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"new" Canon EF 100mm F2.8 L IS USM Macro - squeeking!


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<p>This is just a heads up on what I found with "my" lens, not to indicate it is a bad design.<br>

I just just bit the bullet and bought this lens over the weekend while I was in Finland.<br>

I went out shooting and while I didn't use it as I was doing seascape and clouds, when I got back to the hotel room and started to play with it there was a definite noise like there was no grease on the mechanism for the "new" stabilization system.<br>

Granted it was still cold, (snow flurries outside), I don't think the new lens should be exhibiting this charecteristic. (It wasn't -30c below like I saw temps some Fins shooting in.)<br>

I spoke with two Canon reps on Sunday at the show at Finlandia Talos show put on by the camera club there, "<strong>Vuoden Luontokuva 2010" </strong>and they agreed and said I should take it back to the store.<br>

That was no problem so Monday before I flew out I did go back to the store and they would have exchanged it, but we didn't have the box it came in, (serial number on box was important!). It's under one year warranty so I'm going to use the hell out of it to see if it breaks.<br>

Like I say this is just a heads up on a possible problem and it is definite temperature related as it's not doing when warm.</p>

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<p>Eventually yes, when I stop moving around long enough to do so. I've got 11 months, 28 days to do so... :)<br>

However, I think it's good to note the potential problems with anything for others to benefit if this happens to other people as well to build a history of a product.</p>

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<p>Thanks for the "heads up" Steve!<br>

I expect it has to do with the type of lubrication used. But, I've not had any problems with my 100-400's IS and it's been used through three Midwestern Winters.<br>

I just purchased mine a couple of months ago, and will be watching for the symptoms you describe as the temperatures start to drop off as we approach the Winter months. I do alot of shooting in the cooler temperatures so I certainly appreciate the warning.<br>

Keep us posted, but have a good trip!</p>


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<p>I have not yet used my 100 F2.8 LIS in the middle of winter yet as I bought it in the spring but it has worked fine in -10C. My other L series lenses have worked fine in -35 to -40 C so I am hoping there are no issues. My FD lenses have endured use in Alberta winters for many years without issue. Since winter in the Alberta Rockies can get pretty cold (-40C actual temperature - not including windchill which the camera does not feel) I expect the 100 will be tested soon!</p>
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<p>Is it making a <em>relatively </em>loud-ish whining noise when the IS is engaged and you make sudden left/right or up/down movements with the camera? If so, this is normal as it's the IS trying to keep a steady image, but it's not designed to compensate for that kind of movement like the 2 mode telephotos. I have the 100L and mine does it if I make panning type movements.</p>

<p>If it's making the noise while just holding it though, then I would let Canon have a look.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>


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