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Blue Crane Digital Training Videos


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<p>I have a CD from Blue Crane on the Nikon D200 .. was okay, but really didn't give the depth of information I desire. It was useful but rather lengthy and left me asking for more information (I'd rate it 3+ out of 5 stars)</p>

<p>I then got Thom Hogan's guide for my camera and it was really the best thing I could have done .. I've bought his Nikon F100 and Nikon F5 books as well as the D200 book; and they were so good I could easily go to the section I needed when needed. (rated 5+ stars)</p>

<p>I know how Thom writes and he writes well with good examples of why you select certain settings in the menu system of your camera ..and he gives clear, concise guidance which .. walks you through menu settings and shooting scenarios, use of flash, etc. I believe all his books likewise tell you how to use the flash for your camera .. can't give high enough praise to his writing .. Thom has the ability to take the complex and make it simple to understand .. it is well worth the price .. which is about the same as the Crane CDs .. just my recommendation.</p>

<p>check out Thom's link for your camera of interest here <a href="http://www.bythom.com/nikond300guide.htm">http://www.bythom.com/nikond300guide.htm</a></p>

<p>PS: I am not affiliated with Thom or his products; just quite appreciative of the quality he puts into his camera guides .</p>

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