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Fujinon f5.6 / 150mm W lens


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<p>I read that the Fuji lens is a pretty good lens.<br /> Watching eBay was a pain, I missed so many lenses, including several Fuji 150s. I was finally able to get a Schneider 150. I was really looking for a 180 but they were even harder to find, so I settled for the 150.</p>
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<p>Tom, I have a Fujinon W 150mm, the single-coated early one. It's maybe not the most contrasty lens I use, but it's solid. It can cover 5x7 with a small amount of movement, which is why I purchased one. Note that if you're looking for a newer model Fujinon, those are commonly referred to as NW or CM-W.<br>

But as far as what lenses to get started with, not sure why you'd want a 150 if your interests are landscape and portraits? A normal lens is "neither here nor there", as it were.<br>

As some folks mentioned above, you may be better suited with a 90mm (or at the most 135) for landscape , and for portraits a 210mm or longer. FYI a 300mm on 4x5 is roughly equivalent to a 90mm in the 35mm world; 210mm on 4x5 works out to about 60mm. (using angle of view on longest dimension.)<br>

good luck.</p>

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<p>For landscapes your fist choice would be a 90mm super wide (100 to 105 coverage), your second choice would be the i50. for portraits of 1 or 2 people around 250mm, if for 3-4 a 210mm, if more than that, then the 150mm.</p>

<p>I have a great deal of experience with the Fujinon enlarging lenses and the Fujinon LF lenses. I was involved with the importation and distribution of them as well as creating much of the literature and testing. The W was a conventionalally coated, covered about 80 degrees, slightly higher contrast lens the the later NWS all air spaced, multi coated and 76 degrees of coverage. Either would be a very good lens.</p>

<p>Lynn </p>

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<p>Gary, Anthony, Brian and Lynn:<br>

Thanks for all your input! I managed to snag a Schneider 210mm f5.6 Symmar-S last night<br>

and intend to get started on my first steps of my journey into Large Format.<br>

Thanks for all your insights and feedback.<br>

Regards, Tom Barnes</p>

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