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Olympus 35RD ISO Query


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<p>Hi there,</p>

<p>I was wondering if you could help me with regards to a query I have about the Olympus 35RD. On the side of the lens there is the option to specify the IS0 according to the film used,but it only goes up to 800. What if the film in the camera is 1600 ISO film, how can I tell the camera that without compromising the outcome and what effect would it have on my pictures?</p>

<p>Thank you for your time.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>There is the Fujicolor 1600 color print film. It's true that the b&w films like Neopan 1600 (Super Presto), TMZ and Delta 3200 have real ISO speeds in the 800-1000 range. They give useful images with higher EIs if developed properly. The 35RD offers full manual control so if you have it set to 800 and get 1/125 at f/8, just set the aperture to f/11. With some SLRs you can set the exposure compensation dial to -1 if the ISO setting only goes to 1600 and you want to expose at 3200. The fast b&w films require some experimentation. Where the Fujicolor 1600 is concerned, even a little underexposure will cause a marked increase in grain so be careful. </p>
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<p>As long as you have manual override, there's no problem. Just do what's already been recommended. Take the reading for ISO 800 and subtract one stop of light. That can be done by using the next faster shutter speed or the next smaller F stop on the lens. Easy peasy. If you don't have manual override and you're using color print film, there's still no problem. C-41 color films have a tremendous amount of over exposure latitude and a 1 stop over exposure will not unduly affect the image quality to any great degree. Under some circumstances, as when there is quite a bit of contrast from deep shadow to bright highlights in the scene, it can even be a blessing in disguise. The extra exposure will prevent the shadows from going all murky and grainy.</p>
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<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>Many thanks for everyone's reply. It was really helpful. I've finished the roll and am anxious to see the results. I followed everyone's guidance as suggested but a few times i had to guess as when i put it on automatic for eg. it would show the f stop at 1.7 if i put the shutter at 1/250 but this doesnt mean it is the correct exposure as the camera is smart and would lock ie.refuse to release the shutter.<br>

anyways i think when i see my first roll i will begin to understand how to use it more. many thanks for everyone's reply, much appreciated.</p>

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