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3 days in and around Aspen, CO

villaverde, justin

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<p>I will be heading up to Aspen from Denver for 3 days at the end of next week primarily for photography. I have sunrise at the Maroon Bells, Independence and Ashcroft ghost towns on my list of stops. I may try the Crystal Mill if I can schedule a jeep ride up the trail.<br /><br />I would love some advice on other good locations. Especially one for star trails. I'm not really a hiker, so locations far from a road won't work. I have an SUV with 4 wheel drive, but I wouldn't trust it on anything more then loose gravel.<br /><br />I've never been to the Aspen area, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.<br /><br />Thanks in advance, Justin</p>
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<p>By coincidence I leave for Colorado on Monday for a two week trip- my third to that region, and I'll be in Aspen too. though only for a night. I shan't get into the Maroon Bells/Castle Creek Road /Ashcroft stuff as they're easy to find. Just keep your eyes open as you drive down the road to &from Maroon Lake though, there's some nice stands of trees along there, and people are just intent on getting to & from the Lake and drive right past them. Please don't be surprised if you find a lot of people at Maroon Lake at sunnrise. Its a zoo, and anything but a wilderness experience. </p>

<p>If the trees are really good, then it might well be worth making the drive up to Carbondale to turn south across the McLure Pass and then east across the Kebler Pass towards crested Butte. It wouls make a long day, but if there is colour then the Kebler Pass is one of Colorado,s highlights, the drivings not too bad, and you'll probably do the first section and the last (from Aspen to Carbondale and reverse) quite quickly.</p>

<p>Another route - haven't yet done it myself though- starts off along the same road and at Snowmass (important, not Snowmass village which is altogether different , take Capitol Creek Road south. </p>

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