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Lightroom export order

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<p>I am in a terrible bind. I have to burn about 400+ photo's to a dvd. They have been processed in LR in order of capture time from 3 different camera's. I tells the this is the story of the wedding in chronological order. Now I cannot get them on a CD in that specific order. I have renamed all the files:{ custom name, orginal file, 001}, thinking that the sequence 001 to 413 will export them in that order.<br>

I am sorry if this has been asked before but I am in a super hurry and I cant figure it out.</p>

<p>Thanks a bunch if you can help.</p>

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<p>Assuming, in Herma's case, "custom name" is alphabetic and the same for all images; and "original file" is numeric; and sequence is last, the reading software will order the images according to the first set of numbers, i.e. the "original file." If "custom name" is different for each image, then all bets are off as the software will order the images alphabetically. Placing the sequence first seems to be the easiest way to ensure export of the images in the order in which they've been arranged regardless of the custom name and original file number.</p>
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<p>Custom name is the couples name: AmyJohn, same for all 413 images.<br>

Original file : a variety of numbers, this is probably where it all goes wrong. I wanted to be able to find the original file incase of a fix.<br>

Sequence: Because I have 413 files, I picked the option 001. Figuring the whole triple number thing.<br>

I shall try to do the sequence right after the custom name.</p>


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<p>If you have Lightroom, export them with a custom file name. <br>

IE... AmyJohn-YYYY-Mon-Day-HRMN-Second... the series can be set in Custom to sort this way. By including the second, it forces them into order, even if you shot several in one minute.<br>

Its made sorting much easier for me.</p>

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