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memory card recovery

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<p>im somehow suddenly missing about 15-20 images on my memory card... could someone let me know what the best and most reputable memory card recovery software/machine is ? as i'd like to invest in it to keep it in my studio from now on - after this incident.<br>

what is the most reputable one to invest in?</p>

<p>thank you</p>

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<p>When my wife lost all the images on one of her SD cards during a trip to Hawaii last summer I gave CardRecovery a try. It recovered all her images as well as a couple images that hadn't been overwritten but had been through several card formattings. I am a fan of theirs now. Lexar and SanDisk both used to include image recover software on some of their top cards too. I don't know if that is still the case but I've used one (can't remember which one) and found it to do a good job too.</p>
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<p>SanDisk used to actually include RescuePro software on a miniature disk, then it went to including a coupon for a free download. It is the light-weight version of the software, but it worked well when I tested it. Fortunately I have never needed it for an actual emergency, but I keep it loaded on my notebook computers just in case when I am traveling. Pretty much the same with Lexar, I think. I also recall that these free versions might not have worked with cards from other manufacturers, but I stick to SanDisk now, partly for that reason.</p>
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<p>thank you all - im currently scanning one card via CardRecovery ..... IF i dont find the files through that, should i do other scans using other softwares? Or if i fail with this one, does it mean that i've lost them?<br>

i've heard of people continuing to try different scanning softwares.. some that work and some that dont. advice would be highly appreciated</p>

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<p>I'm a Mac user, and have used Version 2 of ProSoft's DataRescue on CF cards with great success. It's only $99, and will work on hard drives, memory cards, whatever. You probably still won't be able to preview deleted files until after you've recovered them, but at least you'll get 'em back.</p>

<p>The current version can be purchased <a href="http://www.prosofteng.com/products/data_rescue.php">here</a>. I'd recommend it, as it's worked very well for me and the price is reasonable.</p>

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<p>im attempting to download RescuePro for Sandisk that's been reccommended. in order to get the FREE download, i need to enter a serial number and cant seem to find it on either of my cards. can someone help. there is a number on the edge of the card followed by Made in China.. but it doesnt seem to fit the boxes required for serial number on the form i need to fill out. help :)</p>
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<p>Hi, Megan! Trust me, it will work just fine--basically, a memory card is simply another storage device, just like a hard drive. When you connect the card to your Mac (at least if you use a card reader--I don't know if your camera will interfere with the process, but I don't see that it should), it will show up on your desktop just like another hard drive/removable disc.</p>

<p>This software will work to recover lost files from *any* hard drive, so it should work just fine with your memory card. I've used it myself with my Mac to recover deleted files from memory cards, no problem.</p>

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<p>Hello, i recently had a similiar problem. My Images were were not super important so I didnt want to fork out loads. I found a free bit of software caller <strong>PhotoRec by CGS Security </strong>from <a href="http://www.cgsecurity.org/">http://www.cgsecurity.org</a>.<br>

I posted my experience with it on my blog. http://charlescollins83.wordpress.com/<br>

let me know if you have success with it!</p>

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Megan, as I mentioned before you need a coupon with a serial number. The coupons are packaged with the cards now. Sometimes it is worthwhile to buy another card just to get the coupon, but make sure one is included in the package. I'm not sure all SanDisk card classes/sizes have it.
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<p>thank you charles, im trying to access PhotoRec but cant get to anywhere that allows me to DOWNLOAD the software, please help - send me a link if possible.<br>

my images are also not SUPER important but i would like to get them back, preferably by not forking out too much money or any at all until im sure if which is the best software to buy - im getting so many different names, im confused.<br>

so for now, a free software would be perfect. please send me a link.</p>

<p>thank you :)</p>

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<p>Hi all, would card recovery work on a card that comes up as 'unreadable'? My RAW 8gb CF card got wet, at first the preview images came up in lightroom to upload, but only a dozen uploaded before it stopped, and now it states unreadable. No previews come up. Is this what card recovery is good for?<br>

Sorry, don't mean to highjack your post Megan, just want to understand the discussion and seek a little help myself. Thanks!</p>

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"would card recovery work on a card that comes up as 'unreadable'?" .....


Perhaps. But first I would try transferring the files to your computer using the operating system's file management program - Windows Explorer, for instance. This would be after making sure the card has dried out, but don't do anything drastic like cooking it, just a day or two of very low heat, nothing that you can't bear to touch.

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<p>Hi there again,<br>

As i said, its seems a bit tricky but if you take your time and follow the instructions, then it does work!<br>

the download for mac is :<br>


click on the mac OSX link for mac</p>

<p>And the instructions are here:<br>


<p>just make sure you choose the right device. it lists devices by volume ( in kilobytes) when you fist open it. My card was 8gb, so it came up as 799800Kb - a little bit less than 8gb. </p>

<p>Any way I'm sure you'll figure this out! good luck!</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>im attempting to download RescuePro for Sandisk that's been reccommended. in order to get the FREE download, i need to enter a serial number and cant seem to find it on either of my cards. can someone help. there is a number on the edge of the card followed by Made in China.. but it doesnt seem to fit the boxes required for serial number on the form i need to fill out. help :)</p>

<p>use this:</p>



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