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Olympus commentary in Canon review


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<p>Linking to the actual article rather than the main page might be helpful in the future. It won't be the newest entry for long.</p>

<p><a href="http://visualsciencelab.blogspot.com/2010/08/kirks-personal-review-of-canon-7d-and.html">http://visualsciencelab.blogspot.com/2010/08/kirks-personal-review-of-canon-7d-and.html</a></p>

<p>It's a good piece.</p>

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<p>Mel. Yes, I like the fact that Kirk says a couple smart and reasoned things.<br>

- He didn't as we like to say <em>jump ship</em>. - He keeps an Olympus and values it for what he used it for. And apparently still has a soft spot for what was a roundly mocked camera for a long time by the pros and some amateurs. (Make that a lot of serious Canon using amateurs.)</p>


<p>The Olympus e1 may be the sexiest camera I've ever held if you are judging a camera solely on feel. Light years ahead of the e3. And I'm sure in each of these examples someone will say that they feel just the opposite way. They may be right for them but no for me.</p>


<p>- Kirk is up front that he make some changes to his kit for purely commercial contracts. And double truck is not what most folks shoot day to day. But if I were Kirk I would not flip off the boss if the boss says " more pixels, Kirk babe.."<br>

- He does not,smart guy, "forsake all other gods" e.g. Nikon in favor of Canon,gives Nikon some credit too... And having entered the Canon realm and invested his money which he must absolutely must financially recoup, he is canny enough to realize that once you get into a lens system it is hard, no matter the budget, no matter the variety, to get <em>out </em>of a lens system. That is what the long range trail says and it will alway be so. Got Canon lenses and a 5D, you might well want to stick with a second C body..<br>

Many here I know have played with expensive Canons or NIkons from time to timeat home or at work or at least know the system and its udisputed value. (Me. I would never ever consider a 6000 buck camera in a million years for what I need).<br>

Even If I were pro, you know,-like why go half way-- I might look seriously into the new Mamiya also as well as that Leica S2 he mentions .. Video", nah not a commercial nor amateur deal maker or breaker,could be in wedding work soon though a convergence may be coming or has come in those subspecialties. Oly and definitely Panasonic will soon have that video part covered ( From what I read right here re micro 4/3 GH-1, a goodie for well under 2K nice one).<br>

Good techno article if you have the time ,thanks Mel.<br />For my part, no quarrels with Kirk -san for his choices, specific for what Kirk san does and as he reveals his choice formulae...cheers, gs</p>

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