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Rule of Thumbs?


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<p>I recently purchased my first light stand and Umbrella and have been tinkering. A question occured to me and I thought I'd ask around. Is there any general rule of thumb when pairing umbrellas and speedlights?<br>

When to use the white satin part of the umbrella, and when to bounce light when black cover is on?<br>

How far away to place umbrella from speedlight?<br>

And any other tid-bits of wisdom you may have for a lighting novice.<br>

The more rules I know, the more I know what I'm breaking ; )<br>



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<p>Your questions could fill a book. ;)<br>

I'm sure you will receive many responses. Here is mine:</p>

<p>1) There are no rules; experimentation rules.</p>

<p>2) Realize and understand the limitations of a speedlight/umbrella combo; primarily distance and illumination power.</p>

<p>Depending on a desired look & feel, you will want to experiment with both shoot thru & bounce. I don't feel either is better than the other as they both serve a purpose.</p>

<p>While a single upbrella can produce nice portraits, you will have to understand the spray pattern of umbrellas; they're like shotguns. If you have limited space, light bouncing all over the place will cause you problems; so understand that the color of the walls, distance to the walls, ceiling height will all effect the image.</p>

<p>Personally I have found myself of late preferring shoot thru as I can get the light source closer to my subject. It's not necessarily the preferred way; it's just my preference.</p>

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<p>I agree that the bounce or diffuse thing is preference. Just shoot both ways and decide. The wonder of digital is that you can do that easily and with no extra expense. The problem with speedlights is that they do not have modeling lights which make things more evident.<br>

You want the light into the umbrella enough so that no light slips out of the sides in the umbrella. That stray light will make you miserable. Also, the more into the umbrella, the more concentrated the light will be coming out of the umbrella if you are bouncing.<br>

It's digital, it's easy. Shoot and see.</p>

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<p><em>Is there any general rule of thumb when pairing umbrellas and speedlights?</em><br>

Try the speedlight be at the center of the umbella.<br>

Try the three steps wiil be oriented so one is exactly under the stick of the umbrella. So you increase the stability.<br>

<br /><em>When to use the white satin part of the umbrella, and when to bounce light when black cover is on?</em><br>

Traslucid umbrella acts like a softbox but lost half the light because it iswhite and reflect ahlf the light aout of the scene.<br>

Reflecting umbrella is more effcient with the light but creates highlights over the skin: white brillance spots. The translucid umbrella makes this higlits not so aparents.</p>

<p><em>How far away to place umbrella from speedlight?</em><br>

Shoot a photo to the umbrella. The circle of light made by the speedlight should not be more small than the umbrella neither so greater than you lost part of your lights out of the scene.</p>


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