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From Aperture 3 to Photoshop CS5

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<p>My images are sharp when viewed on APERTURE. After a few tweeks, I export to Photoshop to add 'my style'. However, I notice that the images opened in Photoshop are not as sharp as the ones in Aperture. Same photo, different sharpness. I've tried exporting both: psd, tiffs versions. Is there something I'm doing or not doing when 'exporting'?<br>



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<p>What are you referring to here--the Raw file? If it is the raw file, then it might be a matter of where your sharpening default is set on Aperture vs ACR. That is most likely the difference. If it is when you open a file in CS5 itself, I have also seen this with images going from ACR to CS5, but it is very rare (only one I noticed this with so far) and I don't think it was CS5's fault, but the image might just be on that edge and when it leaves the raw state, just softens up.</p>
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