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LR3, Noise, and Sharpening

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<p>After upgrading to LR3 and updating to Process 2010, my images actually look noisier! I have to apply the luminance noise reduction to many of my images whereas in LR2 I didn't have to use any Luminance noise reduction for most of them.<br>

Am I just doing something wrong?</p>



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<p>Adobe changed the demosaicing algorithm, including removing noise reduction from it, to preserve better detail.<br>

Since the noise reduction has been significantly improved in LR3 it sounds a logical choice which will give the user more control over the process. <br>

So it is correct that if you use the same settings than LR2, you images may look noisier. You'll need to add some luminance noise reduction.<br>

Apparently the change in the demosaicing algorithm with the elimination of noise reduction has been included from version 2.7. The main difference is that 2.7 remained with the old noise reduction and sharpening as 2.x. This means that LR2 users that have upgraded from 2.6 to 2.7 will see their images noisier, and would need to add around 15-20 in luminance noise reduction.</p>

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<p>If you re-open anything you've already processed and change to Process 2010, you have to turn down the sharpening and any masking you used, then apply the noise filters appropriately. Every file I have re-done has looked better after using the new program.</p>
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