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Which set of lenses for Canon 40D?

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well, after month of researching and talking and etc. I've finally collected enough money and I'll be buying my first DSLR tomorrow, I've chosen to buy a used Canon 40D, so I can sell it in like next year to buy a full-frame.<br>

I mostly do landscape photography, advertising and sometimes shooting ceremonies at low-light and etc.<br>

the 40D costs me 600$, so with having 1600$ in hand to invest in glasses and accessories I've came to these options:<br>

1. <strong>Canon 18-55 IS</strong> + <strong>24-105L</strong><br>

2. <strong>Canon 18-55 IS</strong> + <strong>24-70L</strong> (well, I found a used one for about 1300$)<br>

3. <strong>Canon 17-40L</strong> + <strong>70-200 f/4L</strong> (and then add a 50 f/1.4 or 1.8 for low light work)<br>

these first three options seems nice for a person like me who wants to go full frame. but it has it's problems too. first of all the only reason I'm buying the 18-55 is to cover my lack of wide angle in the two first options. and I'm stuck between the 24-105 and 24-70 because I feel I could really use that f/2.8 of 24-70, but on the other hand 24-105 has more range and it has IS (can it replace the f/2.8 of 24-70 for low-light work, not in terms of DOF of course) and after all it's cheaper than the 24-70.<br>

I will be replacing the 18-55 with a nice wide angle (probably the Sigma 12-24) in the near future.<br>

the last one also seems quite nice. the only problem I think I'd be facing is having to change lenses frequently. although choosing a wide lens is my first priority but I included the 70-200 because I don't think 40mm tele would be enough for me.<br>

4. <strong>Tokina 11-16</strong> + <strong>Sigma 17-70</strong> (or <strong>Tamron 17-50</strong> maybe) (+<strong>70-200 f/4L</strong> maybe)<br>

well, my last options seems perfect for a cropped sensor and my use. it has the tokina 11-16 which is a perfect lens with f/2.8 (which I mostly need) and there is two great options for walk-around, the Sigma 17-70 and the Tamron 17-50, they're both great but I think I might go for the Tamron because of the constant f/2.8 aperture, I could even go for a nice 70-200. the only problem here is that I'll have to sell them by next year or so to buy a new set for the full-frame.</p>

<p>well, what you think of these options. please answer because I have to buy the cam tomorrow and I'm afraid to lose the used 40D if I wait any longer.<br>

and I have to say that I have learned a lot from this forum and you guys here. and I just wanted to thank you for answering my previous posts and questions, that helped me a lot for making my decision.<br>

Thank you<br>


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I wouldn't go for options 1 & 2 since they are mostly overlapped. 18 (or 17) is not really very wide for 40D. Option 3 would be moe appealing to me and the fact that you will go FF next year.<br>

Good luck.</p>

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<p>Pretty much agree with Dieter.</p>

<p>A used 5D will cost about $1200 or less. The additional $400 will get you a 28-135mm IS lens that will serve admirably. Then squeeze in a 50mm f/1.8 and Bob's your uncle.</p>

<p>I really don't understand why a 40D wouldn't serve with perhaps a 7D in the future, but if you <em>want</em> so-called "full-frame" why wait?</p>

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<p>My first DSLR was a 40D, which I purchased about 2 1/2 years ago (about 2 months ago, I "upgraded" to a 7D). I've accumulated quite a collection of glass, though I don't have any of the lenses you mention. What I have found I use the most is my EF-S 17-55mm IS f/2.8 (appx. $1,060 street price) and my Tamron 28-300mm f/3.5-6.3 XR Di VC (appx. $600 street price). the EF-S 17-55, with its f/2.8, is great for low light situations. The Tamron has a much greater focal length and, IMHO, is a perfect walking around lens . I recommend both lenses.</p>

<p>Hope you enjoy your 40D as much as I have enjoyed mine!</p>


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<p>thanks for answering<br>

well, I've already told before in other threads and I'll say it again that I really like what a full frame sensor gives me and as I know myself the whole time with my cropped camera (even a 7D, although it's perfect) I would feel like I'm missing something.<br>

actually a used 5D is a perfect option and I would love to get one BUT like i said before I couldn't find any here. (can't use ebay or such websites in my country) and believe me If I could find a used 5D, I wouldn't bother y'all with my questions.<br>

and please don't tell me to wait more, I've already waited 6 month to collect enough money and I'm going crazy without a nice camera in hand.<br>

Before finding a used 40D I had it in mind to go with the <strong>7D + 15-85</strong>, although this seems a cool option but first of all is that 7D has a lot of features that I won't ever need and since I'm paying a lot more than 40D for those options that would be a real waste. and second is that if I choose to go with the 7D then I have to forget about full-frame for a long time.</p>

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<p>I wonder how you can find a used 40D and not a used 5D?</p>

<p>Anyway, I shoot both APS-C and 35mm sensors, and I miss <em>some</em> things no matter which I leave at home. If you are really sure that you will want to go 35mm then I'd go with your first option, because the 24-105mm is a gem and the 18-55 IS is a good lens optically and doesn't cost too much. I'd still squeeze in the 50mm f/1.8 for low light and for things like portraiture on the 40D body. Later it will still be a nice, fast normal for a "full frame".</p>

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