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How about those TLR's?

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Wow.. I am blown away by such great work here from these formidable TLRs. I'm inspired to load one and go shooting. I must admit I'm having trouble using them. The waist distance is just long enough to want me tio use my reading glasses etc and I'm finding them a bit cumbersome to use for this reason. And well I'm on a roll now.. I prefer the 6x9 negs over square nege..but now I'm really nit-picking. 6x6 is still a great format and you can always crop for effect.
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<p>I made the switch to digital in 2003 and shot no film for seven years. But I've felt increasingly stale in my way of seeing over the past year or so. I think digital is better than film in most ways (just a personal opinion), yet it can become too easy to fire off a string of exposures(mostly from eye-level), check the histogram, and think to myself "Nailed that one. What's next?"</p>

<p>In an effort to shake up my vision, I brought out my Rolleicord 5b and Yashicamat 124 from retirement, ordered a propak of Astia 120 from B&H, and set off on a road trip for the book I'm currently working on.</p>

<p>Looking down into that square viewfinder, I became aware of composition again in a way I hadn't thought about it in years. Even shooting transparency film, I allowed myself only two exposures per scene -- one at the meter reading, and one a half-stop under. And I spent some time walking around, evaluating different angles on the groundglass before I made those exposures. It was refreshing, and in a way, very liberating. As Picasso said, “Forcing yourself to use restricted means is the sort of restraint that liberates invention."</p>

<p>Following is a photo of my Rolleicord 5b, and then two photos from the book I'm working on, "Georgia: A Backroads Portrait."</p><div>00WtnG-261663784.jpg.66ba0f2248dad7bd526a57528fc361e7.jpg</div>

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