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Barcelona fashion industry, anyone have experience


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<p>I'm currently shooting in Prague and am considering relocating to a bigger fashion market. I don't want to go to NYC, LA, London, Paris or Hamburg. Milan is a definite possibility and maybe my best bet, but I was wondering if Barcelona might also be a viable possibility. Has anyone had experience there shooting for magazines, designers or catalogues? If so, what's your opinion? Any advice? Is Barcelona a viable alternative to Milan? <br /> <br />And while I'm at it, does anyone have any experience in the South African market or Asian markets, e.g. Hong Kong, mainland china, Singapore, Japan, Mumbai. Is it possible as a westerner to break into the market there?</p>
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<p>I don't know if this stills applies because this was back in 2002 but I lived in Barcelona for over a year and it wasn't that big of a market. The majority of the fashion related work happens in Madrid and that is where the majority of fashion photographers were living.<br>

I did l work and with a few agencies and very few designers, I also did editorials but for magazines outside Spain. At the end almost all of the work I did was not related to fashion (interior and architecture photography)<br>

It is an amazing city but back then I didn't think it was a good place to settle as fashion photographer. Again, this was my experience 8 years ago so things might have changed drastically since then...<br>

good luck!</p>


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<p>Hmmmm, interesting. I was under the impression that it's all in Barcelona since that's where the agencies are. I'll have to do some more research. Thanks for the tip.</p>
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