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Two Cheers for Marc Williams!

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Over the past several weeks, I tried desperately to get my hands on

an affordable Leica R with 50mm Summicron after a very annoying

incident with the local dealer. I recently found a used R4 on the

net (for a mere $275) and Marc came through with a 2-Cam Summicron 50

for a price so low I'm embarassed to disclose it. The lens is simply



I am very grateful and would like to celebrate this act of

benevolance by posting a shot from the first test roll of slides in

Marc's honour:



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BTW--it's all real.

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Mein Gott, she's Jaundiced as Marg Simpson. (Just in case you haven't noticed it, "everything" is outlined like the Edward Weston nudes that have caused such controversy, and many photographers would give their right ballhead to reproduce.)
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I was just testing the lens and posted a result in the context of thanking Marc. I was not fishing for a critique--honest!


Oh well, here's one from the same session (a dozen frames earlier) for your prudish tastes ;-)



<table cellpadding=55 cellspacing=1>

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<img src="http://www.avzine.com/vuk/crystal/TR000909-crystal.jpg">





<i>Summicron R 50mm</i>






P.S. The colours in this one reflect far more precisely what's on the slide.

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