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POW 7/11/2010

markus maurer

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<p>My last...This was about 6:30 AM in on a very cloudy gloomy day. I love the motion blur and colors.<br>

ME SUPER, M40F/2.8 and Velvia 50</p>

<p><a href="http://s404.photobucket.com/albums/pp128/jgredline/Snap%20shots/?action=view&current=53210012.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp128/jgredline/Snap%20shots/53210012.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a></p>

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<p>Have been charged by my wife for a photo of newest house mongrel. Obviously I am no Dorus with PS. However she likes it. Cross that one off the "Honey-Doo" list! Do not be misled by the beguiling "woe is me" look. Underneath that mask is 100% puppy wickedness!</p><div>00WqNt-259001584.jpg.9d53cc37b40f98dbbf191d40a0019e8b.jpg</div>
Tony Evans
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<p>Last week's <em>Suggestive</em> became yesterday's <em>Explicit</em>.<br>

This is actually the larger plant that sits above the one shown last week. Tough shot as I only had a brief opportunity to capture the freshly unfurled plant (we left for the rest of the day). It was noon with blistering light and some overhead shadows. So I put the Metz on M, held it under the camera sideways, and had the diffused light be the dominant source.</p>


<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/930855833_Xsfon-L.jpg" alt="" /><br>

K20D, DA 35mm macro, f 11 @ 1/125, ISO 200 + Metz AF 58+ Demb diffuser</p>

<p>Yesterday we joined the monthly Audubon birdwalk at a protected blue heron rookery nearby. It was a very low tide at -3 ft. Of considerable interest was the following interaction: a young and molting male attempted some courting moves on a female. After a few minutes a larger male flew over and took over. The smaller male had to leave, alone.</p>

<p><strong>A Failed Pickup Attempt</strong></p>

<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/930954022_TaA37-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>K20D, Sigma (Bigma) 50-500mm @ 300-500mm, f8 @ 1/1000-1/1500, ISO 400</p>


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<p>I always like everything I see in the POTW (well, nearly everything), but a couple stand out for me this week:<br>

Markus - I like the Reflections. Great eye.<br>

Robert - I like all three, the third is my favorite.<br>

I have only one this week, taken last fall on a trip through Ithaca, NY.</p>


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<p>oh by the way these were shot at<br>

Pic 1 f7.1 1/50 ISO 640 and shot with 40mm Limited</p>

<p>pic 2 was shot f7.1 1/80 ISO 640 and shot with the same lens. It was around 4pm and was cloudy with a touch of sun peaking through.</p>

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<p><a title="Early Morning On The St. Regis River by Mountain Visions, on Flickr" href=" Early Morning On The St. Regis River src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4143/4768526469_9bfaa797a9_z.jpg" alt="Early Morning On The St. Regis River" width="640" height="494" /></a><br>

<em>Pentax K-7, Sigma 10-20mm at 14mm, 1/180th @ F/8, ISO 320, fill flash 1/4th CTO gel, Live View camera held way from boat, IR remote trigger (heart in throat as $1500 was dangling over the river, previously only done with waterproof pocket cams). </em></p>


What I find funny is a lot of stuff you dismiss as crapware additions to a camera, often take a while to manifest as tools.



The live view was the only way to even try this shot and not just be hoping for correct framing, but it occurred to me to use the IR remote to get a little more reach and a steadier shot. So the camera was pretty much using my hand as a tripod. Nifty! I'd have tried a little more awkward angle had I had one of those hand straps, it was 5am, I had 0 hours of sleep, and it was only Colvin's second weekend in the boat. Just too many things to go wrong!


As always, thinking of improvements. Attach camera to carbon tripod, steady on gunnel overhanging water and shoot same as above but at a lower angle and further from boat!

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<p>Justin, of course not something for a good camera but in my serious whitewater days used to tape a disposable waterproof camera to my paddle shaft, catch an eddy and snap pics of buddies running the rapid, always tried snapping while going over a big drop, even once saved me from an insurance deductible by snapping pics of skid marks after a traffic accident, the look on faces as I walked around holding paddle up to my face, priceless!</p>
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<p>I went to see the practice rounds for the American Le Mans Series in Utah. Most of my images are from the paddock with a few from pit exit. K20D & DA* 16-50 f/2.8.<br /> <br /> Gaggle of cars leaving the pits.<br /> <img src="http://wtlwdwgn.smugmug.com/Motorsports/ALMS-Utah/Pit-Lane-III-4784/933589939_LE5jf-L.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="533" /></p>

<p>These guys were trying to get a certain photographer out of the way! Drayson Racing Lola Judd V10.<br /> <img src="http://wtlwdwgn.smugmug.com/Motorsports/ALMS-Utah/Drayson-Lola-Paddock-4579/933591018_K7wAG-L.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="571" /></p>

<p>BMW M3 GT at pit exit. The orange cone is where the drivers go off the pit speed limiter. Talk about LOUD!<br /> <img src="http://wtlwdwgn.smugmug.com/Motorsports/ALMS-Utah/M3-Pit-Exit-4765/933591996_Cpgi8-L.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="600" /></p>

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<p>Justin, of course not something for a good camera but in my serious whitewater days used to tape a disposable waterproof camera to my paddle shaft,</p>



<p>Not a bad idea, but I don't think the K-7 is quite that small ;-)</p>

<p>I do want a W90 specifically for this sort of thing though. I miss having one just out binered to the deck of the boat for grab shots.</p>

<p>I think an SLR was better suited for this though. I needed to shoot it at ISO 320 for fast enough shutter speed, and by that point most compacts are well past peak ISO. Plus, I wanted a fairly small aperture to aid with the sunburst.</p>

<p>If you ever come across those shots from your white water I'd love to see a few! What I'd do for whitewater these days would be too velcro an ultrapod or similar to the deck of a boat and set the interval timer. Just let it run, and see what you get. Not very high tech but should yield a few good shots.</p>

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<p>Comments for the week<br /> Markus - Good stuff<br /> Ben- Really special<br /> David - Something strangely intriguing about #1, #2 - Grab shot or posed?, #3 Interesting perspective<br /> Robert C #s 1 and 2 I like a lot<br /> Haig - #1 great clouds; #3 Really interesting cottage - I would have cropped from top to just above chimney and from left to left edge of chimney. #4 Beautiful.<br /> Nick - I can't believe you got that close with a 35 - You must be really stealthy :-)<br /> Matt- Motherboard - I love the gold (did I say that already?) and the pattern; Balloons - a space odyssey!<br /> Javier - #1 Nice angles and curves :-) ; Surfer - nicely done.<br /> Tony - Too cute!<br /> Bruce- Queen Anne's Lace - beautiful contrast and DoF<br /> Michael #1 !! ; #2 not a failed attempt - Good sequence.<br /> Dave - I've seen LIVE couples like that.<br /> Jordan - all sharp - her dress complements her eyes and hair.<br /> Robert B - If I could handhold like that I'd be a happy photographer<br /> Justin -even the flare looks good<br /> Steve - #2 even though there's a photographer in the way. Would make a great team pic.</p>
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