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Good Bokeh.

alex coleman

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I find discussion of bokeh to be a crock. I see on the image as a whole, not just the background. It's wonderful and makes me want to see the rest of the series, if there is one. Photographs such as this make me envious. And prompt me to ask "Why, Lord, couldn't I have taken that picture? Am I not worthy in your eyes?"


Just kidding. I also like the fact that this is not a Leica image. Hey folks, it's not just the equipmant.


Eating my heart out.



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This is really a wonderful piece of work, if I may say so. The bokeh (to address, briefly, the topic of your post) is weird - and wonderful in its weirdness - its character in keeping with the personality of your subject (as well as the lovely texture of his skin). I like, also, how understated and restrained the photographer (and his technique) are here - how you sit back and let the subject - his spirit - completely dominate the picture. I hope you won't take it amiss if I say that this reminds me of the Mona Lisa.<P>


I realize that, in all likelihood, you didn't do all of this consciously, but that doesn't matter; if you can do it again (or have done it), you'll have the makings of a significant book on your hands. (Someone should clue in Art Haykin - another K1000 shooter - about this image. I'm sure he'd enjoy it.)

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Thanks to everyone for your enthuastic comments.

It was Shot on Fp4 Plus I'm almost certain, Developed in Rodinal.

Sorry I cannot remember his name, but sadly he is no longer with us.

This was the one and only shot I got.

He wasn't winking at me as someone once thought, he had a problem with his eye.

Straight Print scanned on a Canon N670u Flat bed Scanner.

Sold my last K1000 yesterday, Saving hard for a Leica M6 Body.

Already have the 35mm Summicron 4th Version.

Will my pictures be better with the Leica ????.

I'll have to wait and see.

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Hi, Alex:


It's funny that the best portrait I remember I have taken was made with a K1000 too. God knows where it is at the moment but I hadn't thought of posting it either because it's a non-Leica photo (?!) BUT though it's the best I remember and a good photo on its own right yours is way better, of course.


But I'll never sell my K1000 with SMC Pentax 55mm f1.8 I love this lens.


Congratulations and keep posting !


BTW: bokeh . . .?



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