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Joan Colom

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I would like that you take a look at this video, from the 40:10 minute.<br>

Joan Colom, is a very famous Catalan photographer, who photographed some of the oldest neighborhoods in Barcelona, in the era of the 50s.<br /><br>

In the video, he explains that the camera was hanging from the wrist, with the aperture, focus and speed, fixed, not to miss even a moment to take the picture.<br>

Can you guess which camera used? ;-)<br>

<a href="http://www.tv3.cat/ptv3/tv3TotsVideos.jsp?idint=120086514">http://www.tv3.cat/ptv3/tv3TotsVideos.jsp?idint=120086514</a><br>


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<p>The first time I thought it was an M3, but after I saw it was an M2, for the shape of the window frames, as Ken Shipman says. The light meter is an MC instead of a MR, as well BJScharp says, because the sensor is selenium.<br>

Knowing the type of pictures that Joan Colom makes and how to make they, I also think that the lens is a 35mm, but I don't think if it's a Summicron or a Summaron... I don't know it. It may not be a Leica.</p>

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