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Advice needed - Friends/Family asking for a Copy CD of Wedding Images


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<p>Hi Guys<br>

Hope you could give me some advice. I completed a wedding a few months ago where i provided digital negatives on a CD for the B&G. They had a large extended family and I have since been approached by a family member for a copy CD of the images and how much it costs.<br>

I will of course obtain confirmation from the B&G that I can give her a copy but I'm really struggling as to how much I should charge? Or should I charge at all?<br>

Thanks for your help and advice.</p>


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<p>I would not give anyone other than bride and groom the images. They hired you, the pictures are theirs. You should not be giving the images to anyone else.</p>

<p>I would tell them no.</p>

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<p>As much as I would love to say "make some extra bucks and sell it for $_____", I am totally with Raymond on this: your contract and obligations are with the couple (assuming they are the ones that signed the contract).</p>

<p>Unless you have an agreement that allows you to sell images, then your best bet is to politely say no. Of course, I don't know why you would have an agreement to sell images if you gave the couple a CD with the images on it.</p>

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<p>"I will of course obtain confirmation from the B&G that I can give her a copy" - if approved, just give the copy disc to requester.</p>

<p>The CD can be easily copied, and I wonder why the B&G did not do this for her ?, unless your contract prohibited that.</p>

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<p>Copy and sell 'em. What's the difference if the B&G does it for them? (Other than you you'll be compensated for it). They want you to do it because of the labeling/artwork on it.<br>

Of course get permission first.</p>

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We don't give out CD's for 2 years after the wedding. Therefore if the order something you charge them based of your prices.


If you don't want to do the printing charge them whatever you feel your time is worth. If it were me, something around $100 to $400 per hour is about right. How long was your wedding?

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<p>Thanks for your input guys, nice to hear different perspectives on this. I advised the requester that i would need to obtain confirmation from the Bride & Groom first and she quickly responded with 'I'd rather you didnt, there are family politics etc etc' - damn good job I was going to check with them first!!<br>

Its not much time or effort for me to copy a CD and post it out however I think it would be easier and simpler if I didnt offer this service fullstop. You are right the contract is with the B&G, and I guess if they want to share thier images its upto them.<br>

thanks guys, you've helped me solve a little predicament!</p>

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