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Used EF 600 4.0 L IS USM repair cost


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<p>I recently got my hands on a EF 600mm 4.0 L IS USM for cheap. I sent it in to Canon for repair and the current repair cost is $1,813.</p>

<p>I know this lens sells for $8,000 so it seems the repair is worth it. Anything I might be overlooking considering I'm interested in reselling the lens in the future?</p>

<p>Any advice and/or suggestions are welcome. Thanks for your input.</p>


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My only recommendation would be to keep all the paperwork from the Canon repair and pass it on to the buyer when and if that day comes!</p>

<p>Do you have any idea what prompted the needed repair?<br>

Just curious!</p>

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<p>I am not sure what kind of advice you are looking for. You don't even mention what is wrong with the lens - so how could anyone tell you if the cost of repairing is reasonable?</p>

<p>It certainly is a highly desired lens and you would have no problems reselling it, if it functions properly.</p>

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<p>Thanks for the responses. I apologize for the lack of details.</p>

<p>I obtained the lens at a very low price under the knowledge that it <em>might</em> need repair. So I took the chance which in the past has worked out well.</p>

<p>I know this is a serious lens and I was really excited to try it out on my Mark II. When the repair cost came back I was a little unsure whether it was worth moving forward or not. So that's what type of advice I was looking for. Your responses so far have given me some indication that I should move forward with the repair.</p>

<p>Here is the response from the Canon repair facility.</p>


<p>Again, thanks for you input.<br>




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<p>Water damage is a very serious problem and often renders the lens unusable. I've seen estimates from Canon where the cost of repair is higher than a new lens or camera. It is somewhat of a gamble because you don't know what Canon will find once they open up the lens. The good news is that you can always cancel the repair if a new estimate comes back that is significantly higher than the first quote. At this point in time it is too late anyway - I guess. You bought the lens and unless you get it repaired it is just a paper weight - albeit a pretty and big one:-)</p>
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<p>I paid $300 for a Mark II 5D, 600mm 4.0 L IS, 24-105mm f/4 L IS, and a Speedlite580EX II. I got the Mark II repaired for $800 and the 24-105mm repaired for $175. The Speedlite works fine and didn't need a repair. This was all an upgrade from an XTi I'd been using for over a year.</p>

<p>I already feel like I got a deal and a half. I think this repair is worth it considering the responses I've received here. Ed V also brought up the point about the repair warranty which will help if/when I sell it.</p>

<p>Anything else I should take into consideration? Thanks again for the input.<br>


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<p><em>I paid $300 for a Mark II 5D, 600mm 4.0 L IS, 24-105mm f/4 L IS, and a Speedlite580EX II. I got the Mark II repaired for $800 and the 24-105mm repaired for $175. The Speedlite works fine and didn't need a repair.</em></p>


<p>This has to be the best buy I have ever heard of. Congratulations, John!</p>

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<p>Is this equipment from an insurance write-off after a major accident or something? It's hard to imagine anyone selling these items for $300 even if they'd been immersed in water, especially when they were obviously salvageable. I'd expect to pay that kind of money to a meth head for stolen goods.</p>
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<p>used the camera sells for 4500-6000 depending on condition and unfortunately date code. if you are honest about the history of your lens when you sell it, then it may go for less than 4500. <br>

that water damage will scare people. <br>

regardless, sounds like you got a sweet deal, and if 2000 is what it costs to repair it, you should net an easy 1000, probably more.</p>

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<p>Ask them what they'd charge to open it up to give you a firm estimate. If it stays in the $1800 range and they DO fix it, then it'll easily be worth $3000 with full disclosure of the damage and repair. I'm guessing you're a noob at using super telephoto lenses, so it'd pay you to get an experienced photographer to mount it on a professional tripod to take some test images and also a few bird or wildlife images to demonstrate it's capacity when you sell it. Depending on those results, you might can another grand or two in value.</p>

<p>The key is for Canon to be certain that they can fix it and repair cost remains in that $1800 range. Congrats on the great find and your good luck in that everything proved repairable.</p>

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<p>Brian asked:</p>


<p>"what did you originally pay for this lens?"</p>


<p>Read the thread.</p>

<p>If that's too hard, then he paid $300 for a complete kit, including the lens, flash, camera, other lenses, etc. He's essentially got nothing invested in the lens. It was an insurance salvage.</p>

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<p>It sounds like the estimate is vague because Canon would not know if the price quoted for repair is 100 percent accurate, until they actually open up the lens to begin working on it, and possibly find out further damage to the lens itself. I would consider the lens a loss, and not worth repairing.</p>
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<p>@Brian Cincotta: The first estimate was a little under $400. Then I received a second estimate for the aforementioned price. After I accepted the $1800 price, I was refunded the $400.</p>

<p>I guess there's a risk there could be a third estimate. Tough to say...</p>

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