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Why can't I buy a Canon Monopod 100?


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<p>David, I have to disagree...a monopod is very useful in the right situations. It takes some technique but you can pull off some pretty slow shutter speeds. They are indispensible in sports photography.<br>

Besides, monopods are much lighter and easier to carry around and set up. In a situation where it's impractical to carry a tripod, I would at least rather have the monopod than nothing. They both have their place. It's much nicer when shooting with a long lens and it's sitting on the tripod ring, vs. trying to balance it handheld.<br>

One exception is the monpod that sprouts the 3 small legs so it will stay upright. With their instability, I can't think of one good reason to have one of those. Just my opinion.</p>

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