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Purchasing Canon lens in San Diego, USA?


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<p>I am planning to visit San Diego in mid July (coming from Europe) and I'd like to ask for your advise for a photo gear store, where I could get a good price and purchase Canon lens (plan for 24-70 mm f/2.8L). <br>

Since I am not local, I do not know the shops there. If I get a good price, I would purchase directly as cash&carry instead of making internet order from B&H.</p>

<p> </p>

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Zymantas, just a heads-up, the 24-70mm f/2.8L is rumored to have a replacement announced soon. Many

retailers are confirming backorders and difficulty sourcing the current generation. See

http://www.canonrumors.com/ for more info (there are multiple 24-70mm postings on the front page).

Wherever you plan to pick this lens up be sure to call ahead and make sure they'll have one in stock.

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<p>If you are visiting someone in California, another alternative is to order from Adorama or B&H and have it waiting for you.<br>

I doubt prices will equal to on line stores and as someone mentioned, there is the CA tax.</p>

<p>I bought a few lenses and flash accessories from Calumet in Escondido and Nelson's in Little Italy because the people in the store were knowlegeable helped me in my selection; basically earning my business. On the othe hand, I made numerous purchases on line when I did the research.</p>

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<p>Hi, thanks. Since, I've never been in USA so far, I had to admit, it sounds strange that CA has its own tax on the top (can someone write what it is exactly?). Do I understand correctly that on purchase VAT tax (value added tax) is not calculated in USA, instead there are those taxes as you've mentioned as "CA state tax"?<br>

I would appreciate if somebody could give me some basics about the taxation policy and advises what additional taxes I should include above given price on the pricelist. <br>

Anyhow seems, ordering online might be a better option. I hope on-line store would accept my hotel address. <br>

Interesting rumor about upgrading 24-70 mm lens. Wonder when it would come to reality. </p>

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@Zymantas, the US has State Sales Tax instead of VAT; each State can tax purchases however they like (or not at

all). So if you physically walk into a store in CA then you'll have to pay CA State Sales Tax.


But if you order an item online and have it shipped over State lines then you may not have to pay State Sales Tax

depending on how that shop is set up.


So to stay on the safe side plan on budgeting for 8.5% to 10.75% tax (see

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sales_taxes_in_the_United_States for source).


If you plan on ordering online you'll toss red flags if you give a foreign credit card and hotel address but give

http://Adorama.com or http://BHPhotoVideo.com a call and I'm sure they'll be more than accommodating since I'm sure you wouldn't

be the first foreign photographer to have something shipped "on location". Be sure to have them ship the item to "Hold

for guest: Yourname" care of the hotel you're staying at; I do this all the time.


Regarding the rumor, it's just a rumor, but CanonRumors.com is usually on-target with their predictions. Their rumors

were on right on target with the release of the 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II. If you need a 24-70mm now and your budget will

only allow you to purchase it at US prices then by all means grab it now.

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