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Good photography sites?

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<p >So I'm doing my friend's senior pictures and have kind of exhausted the good photography locations around my area.</p>

<p >So I was wondering, does anyone know of any good places for photography in or around Atlanta? Any information would be helpful, like if you know of any fantastic abandoned buildings or fields, or just parks or something<br />In return I shall give you my favorite photography spot I have happened upon in my adventures :) <br />http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs100.snc4/36362_402670716226_504716226_4916122_7746153_n.jpg (taken by me)<br />This is the New Manchester Mill in Sweetwater Park, Lithia Springs. If you are ever in Atlanta, this is a must for photo op <br />My friend Ian (dude in picture) and I ventured up there last week and it was the most beautiful thing in the world.</p>

<p >Thanks so much for your help guys!</p>


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<p>I've never been there but the <strong>Oakland Cemetery</strong> in Atlanta is supposed to be a great spot for photos. If you're up for a drive to the north there's<strong> Amicalola State Park</strong> and Waterfall. I'm sure there's also some places around <strong>Lake Lanier</strong>, again haven't been there myself yet...</p>

<p>PS - Welcome to Photo.net!</p>

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