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E-P2 and T20 flash?


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<p>I am not a professional photographer and I really do not know much about using a flash. I have an old T20 flash for my OM-2 and tried it out on my E-P2 with not so good results. The shot is typically either washed out or completely black. I know I must be doing something wrong within the settings on both the camera and the flash itself. Has anyone successfully used a T20 flash on an E-P2 (or E-P1)? What settings do you recommend for optimal results?<br>

I would also like to know what all of you recommend for a high quality yet economical flash unit that works well with the E-P2. Is the T20 even worth using or should I fork out more money and get one of the new ones? Thanks!</p>

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<p>The TTL feature of the T20 is not going to work with Olympus Digital SLR's. You have to use a flash unit designed for use with the digital bodies to get TTL automation. I would think the two non-TTL auto apertures should work so long as you have both the aperture on the flash and camera set to the same number or your exposures would be wildly off, and manual flash should work as long as you are familar with the process and get the settings right.</p>
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