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645D Arrives!


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<p>The 645D has arrived. I know many people want to see what kind of images the camera can produce. I'll do my best to keep everyone up to date about the experiences I'm having with the camera via my blog and upload full size JPEGS to Flickr so you can see the images.<br /><br />The blog is here: <a href="http://travel67.wordpress.com/">http://travel67.wordpress.com/</a></p>

<p><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4026/4710650249_0b663beeca.jpg" alt="" width="440" height="500" /><br>

<img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4012/4711291950_5d6fedbc4d.jpg" alt="" width="470" height="455" /><br>

<img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4015/4708317829_f1eea64ba3.jpg" alt="" width="464" height="500" /><br>

First test images:<br>

Bear (the dog)<br>

<img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4053/4713666558_2b3e984380.jpg" alt="" width="375" height="500" /><br>

View the full size JPEG file on Flickr <a href=" 645D 55mm Bear 2 (Full size Jpeg)

And a shot of a local hotel.<br>

<img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4069/4714325008_fda403f7ab.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="375" /><br>

View full size JPEG on Flickr <a href=" 645D Manza Hotel

I will try and put up a variety of images on my blog and Flickr and give some more information about my experience with the camera.<br>

What I can't promise is a detailed review. For the last 8 years I have shot almost exclusively with a Pentax 67II camera. I am therefore not really the right person to ask with regards to how it compares to other digital cameras. I do know that it is a little lighter than my Pentax 67II and that the images appear magically on the back when I press the shutter.<br>


Website: <a href="http://www.TRAVEL67.com">www.TRAVEL67.com</a><br>

Blog: <a href="http://travel67.wordpress.com/">http://travel67.wordpress.com/</a><br>

Flickr: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/13377977@N04/">http://www.flickr.com/photos/13377977@N04/</a><br>

Facebook: <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chris-Willson-Photography/126640674017482">http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chris-Willson-Photography/126640674017482</a></p>

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<p>Perhaps you could post lower compression, 1:1 crops as well? That level of compression doesn't seem to do the camera's output justice.</p>

<p>I certainly look forward to seeing more of what this camera can produce.</p>

<p>Oh yes, one more thing: show us some shots across the ISO range? That would be quite interesting.</p>

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<p>The Flikr page has an "original size" hyperlink. Karim, you are familiar with how to use Flickr, right?</p>

<p>Well, after seeing those pics, and some others yesterday from Medium Format forum: I think this means that a lot of photo retouching practices will have to change. Take a look at the great amounts of detail present in some of those pictures, especially portraits. Every pore is visible. How are photographers going to be able to lie effectively with skin smoothing? </p>

<p>The large images are really large; so is the detail they communicate. If someone wants to manipulate those details, they will really have their work cut out for them. What else: the image file is so large, one had better be sure they are right; otherwise it's an enormous picture of a failure to focus, for example.</p>

<p>Nice photos, Chris. Rock the house with the 645D.</p>

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<p>I'll pouring my eyes all over these shots in the next few days. Keep your eyes open for contact notifications on flickr; I'm sure I won't be the only one.</p>

<p>John O-O, I'm not sure exactly how you feel about skin smoothing, but I'm not a big fan of it. I've seen a trend lately (especially on flickr) of photographers turning every subject in every shot smoothed to the point of mannequinism. Frankly, I hate the practice. I'd be fine with using makeup or other old-school techniques to hide blemishes, or even use a little post to hide temporary skin blemishes, but you remove every pore... I think that might be immoral. :-) Over-using photoshop is on the list of things I'll never do to a subject. Fun, creative, different, experimentation... sure. Have at it. Dorus' and Ben's work is beautiful; signature even. But last weekend at the CreativeLIVE event with Zack Arias, Zack said it best: Photoshop is to Photographers what AutoTune is to Musicians. :-) I'm sure everyone has bought someone's CD and liked it only to goto a concert and hear that they can't hit a note to save their life. AutoTune can make up for lack of talent, and I believe that some photographers use photoshop to do just that. When I suck at photography I want it to be obvious. :-D</p>

<p>Chris, Those shots look awesome! Can't wait to see more!</p>

<p>viva la 645D!<br>


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<p>Hey Chris,<br>

Congrats on the purchase. I look forward to seeing a variety of shots at diverse lighting and speeds.</p>

<p>What kind of photographer or studio support services is Pentax offering that you are aware of? Have they started any in-store promotional activities? Is there a Japanese language website that offers guidance, techniques, tips (I assume you are literate and fluent in Japanese. . .)? Any special repair/quick turnaround services?</p>

<p>For purchasers in the US--perhaps a different market than in Japan--these questions and others will be asked frequently if the camera is indeed sold here.<br>



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<p>Jeremy, I'm not a big fan of retouching, but it's out there. I don't like it or use it much myself. I have spotted some dust off of photos, but that's about it. I don't even like that. These very detailed and very large image sizes, I think, will change the editing and manipulation processes that go with them. All the more reason to get it right in the first place.</p>
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<p>After viewing the Flickr full sized image at 200% I decided you must be a very evil person to post such Pentax porn. I sure hope you have the time to tour the world and post landscapes that do the 645D justice. Congratulations on your acquisition.</p>
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<p>John O-O, I may have not made myself clear in my above post. I requested that Chris post 1:1 cropped sections (with mild compression) because the full-sized image (which I downloaded) had too much compression. I can't judge image quality from a highly compressed JPEG.</p>

<p>I'd love to see comparisons between this, FX sensor cameras and MF film.</p>

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Not sure what your looking at, but frankly, the image is stunning when put in context.<br>

I downloaded the image and opened it up to 100% and when you consider he shot that with a 55mm lens which is likley on a medium format body more like a 35-40? mm lens and I can see people riding a boat under a bridge by the resort, is nothing short of amazing....I must admit, that this is an impressive display...I forget what you call those water scooters, but there is one of those their as well...Impressive to say the least!</p>

<p>Chris, what would say the distance was that you shot the resort from. I see miles and miles of water their.</p>

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<p>Thanks for all the comments. :)</p>

<p>I think the 55mm lens is equivalent to 43mm on 35mm.<br>

At a guess I would say there was a couple of miles between the camera and the hotel. I will try and get out and take some more landscape shots soon. I believe that landscapes are actually what most users of the 645D users will be shooting. <br>

If we are making comparisons with the music world I would say Photoshop is more like a mixing console than a single tool like AutoTune. In the right hands it is valuable, often necessary, but if you just start playing with the sliders at random it would be very easy to end up with something that is visually or acoustically a mess.</p>

<p> </p>

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  • 2 weeks later...
<p>I'm total even-handed,about.With all level say-eventual no more than elefant in time to do show in other city.I see no more than 35mm for new shoes of small village man,must be blind or it great level of comercial to naive and image compress .Now days we do use more zoom or fish-rounded lens what make any one of us run after cost of item with mother pig bank ....</p>
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<p>I thought I would put up one more full resolution portrait image for you to check out. This time it's from a model test shoot and I have put up the full untouched out of camera jpegs on Flickr. <br>

<br /><img src="http://travel67.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/model-shoot-jessica-4-blog.jpg?w=470&h=628" alt="" width="470" height="628" /><br>

<br />You can view the full size jpeg on Flickr here<br>

<br /><a href=" Studio Shoot - Jessica (645D full size Jpeg) /><br />If you're interested you can read up more about the shoot on my blog here:<br>

<br /><a href="http://travel67.wordpress.com/2010/07/04/studio-shoot-jessica-part-1/">http://travel67.wordpress.com/2010/07/04/studio-shoot-jessica-part-1/</a><br>

<br />A few extra bits of information for fellow photographers. This was lit from top right with a beauty dish that was gridded with a diffuser over the face of the dish. There was a reflector bottom left.<br />As I've said before I will try and get a landscape shot soon, along with a long exposure shot. A little busy at the moment but I will get them done eventually!<br>

<br />Chris<br>

<br />website: <a href="http://www.TRAVEL67.com">www.TRAVEL67.com</a><br>

<br />blog: <a href="http://travel67.wordpress.com/">http://travel67.wordpress.com/</a><br>

Facebook: <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chris-Willson-Photography/126640674017482">http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chris-Willson-Photography/126640674017482</a></p>

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