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Looking for classic camera shops in Italy and Austria?

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<p>I can recommend some shops in Bologna and Milano.<br />All these stores have their own websites but I would not break the rules by writing the web addresses here.<br />You can use google, but generally have much more stuff in store that on the web.<br />I live in Bologna if you need more informations, feel free to ask.<br /><br /><strong>FOTO PRISMA</strong><br />via Castiglione, 86A<br />Bologna<br />Tel. 051.221620<br /><br /><strong>Foto Camera</strong><br />Viale Beatrice d'Este,48<br />Milano<br />Tel. 02 58303288<br /><strong></strong><br /><strong>NEWOldCamera</strong><br />Via Rovello 5<br />Milano<br />Tel 02-36589216</p>
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