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Droid application: DOF calculator for MF/LF?


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<p>The Droid is Android based, so do a search of the Android market place.</p>

<p>The problem with Android is it's fragmentation...that is apps might work on 1.6 but not 2.1. I believe the Motorola Droid runs 2.1 at this time.</p>

<p>I've had a DOF app on every mobile OS i have owned from Newton, to WinMo, to webOS. I am certain Android has one!</p>

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<p>Agreed. Wrong order.</p>

<p>The issue with Android really is the pace it is evolving. I believe Google is fixing this with 1-2 rollouts per year rather than the 4 it is currently seeing. Adding in the various UIs (like Sense and Motoblur) and things become confusing to the consumer. Not to mention until Froyo rolls out things like 1 click app catalog updates are still lacking.</p>

<p>The difference with the iPhone platform is uniformity and lower rollouts of the OS. Apple makes it a yearly event to rollout a hardware and a major OS update, usually some of the core features of the new OS trickle down to the last gen hardware if it can handle it.Basically it's less of a mess for developers and consumers alike.</p>

<p> </p>

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