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Spectraview Profiler 4 and Nec P221W

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<p>I have a monitor Nec MultiSync P221W. I perform the hardware calibration with Spectraviw II and the results are good.<br>

Recently, I tried the other software which can access to the internal LUT of Nec P221W: The Spectraview Profiler 4, that is a nec version of the well known basICColor Profiler 4 (I tried also this).<br>

To my surprise, the results after the calibration are very bad: the banding in the gradients are terrible and the validation results are bad in the grey tones.<br>

The target calibration values were D65, gamma 2.2, 120 cd/sqrm and min. native, the same which I used in Spectraview II.<br>

The basiccolor company suggests me to increase the luminance of white up to 160 cd/sqrm: the result is a little bit better but nothing to do with the Spectraview II performance.<br>

There is somebody which calibrates a monitor P221W with this software and with good results?<br>

Is it normal this behavior?<br>




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