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In a Kowa 6 jam


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<p>I hesitate to start a new thread on a rather common topic, but the existing threads don't cover my symptoms. I changed a lens midroll, and the camera jammed in cocked position. After opening the back, the shutter release could be depressed, but ineffectually: without triggering the mirror and and lens.<br>

The mirror is down; and the lens release ring is in cocked position. Nudging the wind and lens release ring don't do anything. Tried lifting off the breech lock and lens release ring cover plate...wouldn't come off completely; some kind off tab holding it at one point. But peeking under it there didn't appear to be anything fixable, just the outer-geared release ring and the pinion at six o'clock that drives it.<br>

Any advice on how to proceed? Other threads have covered taking off the left side cover for breech lock release lever problems. I suspect my problem is on the right (winder) side. What would be the procedure for removal of the right side cover? Is there a service manual specific to the 6?<br>

John Wilton</p>

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<p>I don't have my Kowa here to offer any help on getting the lens off. Perhaps someone will chim in soon enough and if they don't I will try to get someone on another board to get involved. I'd like to know how this turns out.<br>

It sounds like you mounted an uncocked lens on a cocked body or visa versa. I'll try to get my camera back this week n see if there is a trick to unlock the lens in the mount.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>The camera was working perfectly till you changed lenses mid roll. Correct?</p>

<p>Let's take a step back. Before mounting the lens, did you check to see if it was cocked? Was the body cocked before mounting the lens (it must have been because you got the other lens off). Can you take this lens off? If you can't get the lens off, my guess is because it is out of sync with the body, uncocked lens vs a cocked body so the mechanisms are fighting eachother. Whatever you do... DO NOT FORCE THE WINDER... it will destroy the camera. Wait till someone finds you an answer or take it to a repair shop.</p>

<p>Meanwhile my son says he will bring my Kowa back this weekend n I'll see if there is a trick to over ride the lens locking mechanism.</p>

<p>Ya see the symptoms are the same for most MF cameras. If you mount an uncocked lens on a cocked body, or visa vera, it will jam the camera just as you describe. If it were a failing part in the camera it would have been acting up all along with misfires and or intermittent winder problems.</p>

<p>I have heard Kowas are famous for winder problems with some sort of soft metal gearing but I have never had the experiance of repairing one of these. But mechanical cameras basically use the same mechanical systems to operate n most have the same interlocks maybe in different places but the same systems.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>This is your cure.</p>

<p>I have my Kowa in my hand. To get the lens off, we need to bypass the latch. Since you are jamed n can't get it off normally we need to do a little trick.</p>

<p>Looking into the front of the lens as my reference....<br>

Take the hand grip off the right side. Now take a carefull look under the jam ring (the ring you turn to put the lens on n off), at 3 O'Clock, you'll see a small silver pin. Using a small pointy thing like a needle or paper clip, push that pin down as you turn the ring to align the red dot at the top of the camera. Watch you don't drop the lens, it will now be loose n can be removed from the body.</p>

<p>Now that the lens is off, will the camera cock n fire normally?</p>

<p> </p>

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<p><em>I changed a lens midroll, and the <a href="http://www.photo.net/medium-format-photography-forum/00WaTJ#" target="_blank">camera<img src="http://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/2_bing.gif" alt="" width="10" height="10" /></a> jammed in cocked position. After opening the back, the shutter release could be depressed, but ineffectually: without triggering the mirror and and lens.</em><br /><em>The mirror is down; and the lens release ring is in cocked position.</em><br>

<em> </em><br>

<strong>from what you said above, you changed the lens mid roll, then the camera stopped working. WHY? Generally that says the lens was teh problem, not the winder. </strong><br>

<strong> </strong><br>

<strong>So tearing your camera appart is not the cure. First thing you do is step back, remove the lens. Can you remove the lens with no problem? Does the camera work? You haven't answered any of those questions in this thread till now saying the lens is not a problem... but did you take it off? </strong><br>

<strong> </strong><br>

<strong>Another cause may be the dark slide mechanism is stuck, causing the camera to think it's in, it won't shoot no matter what side you take off. Did you check that? </strong><br>

<strong> </strong><br>

<strong>Cameras don't stop working just because you changed a lens, they generally stop working because something was overlooked, they have many safety features that all have to be satisfied to fire. If the winder was going, it would have intermittently been giving you problems all along, then fail. Was it giving you problems before??? All it takes is to force the camera once n it is as good as dead. Take it to a repair shop.</strong><br>

<strong> </strong></p>

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  • 9 years later...
<p>Removing and attaching a lens was never the problem. The problem is that the camera is cocked, and pressing in the shutter release does not trip the camera, with or without lens attached.</p>

Hi did you ever figure this out? I'm having the exact same problem. Camera is cocked. Mirror is down. Lens comes on and off fine. Doesn't fire.

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I've had quite a few of these cameras apart lately ( and own 3 , 2 Super 66's and a Six ) , which do you own ?

I probably have some pictures of the internals that may or may not help , I'd probably use pm'ing you as the pics

are rather large . Are you handy with working on cameras ? On the lens that you have , the end facing the camera

body has two larger pins that cock the shutter and a small pin that releases the shutter . Twist the 2 large pins all

the way to the end of their travel ( to the red dot) , then press the small pin in and lightly turn the 2 pins in a clockwise

direction (with them facing you) and check that the shutter goes through it's movements . The body of the camera has

a strong spring that forces the 2 pins through their complete travel in the body . Do it a number of times at different

speeds , leave the diaphragm at it's largest opening to more easily watch what happening . This should help eliminate

the lens as a cause . Peter

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  • 2 weeks later...

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