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POW 5/23/2010


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<p>Patrick, I'm pretty happy with the shot, it makes me smile!<br>

Your beach shot is like a postcard, and judging by your other pics, I'm sure you'll do great for the new parents!<br>

Bob, I love the silhouette, very appealing, now I want to drive around and try it!<br>

Robert, that baseball shot rocks!</p>

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<p>Beautiful shots everyone, Justin and Javier in particular; Dorus: creepy indeed! <br>

I hung around with my son's Scout troop tour of the HMCS Haida, a WWII vintage Canadian Navy Destroyer, now a National Historic Site in the harbour at Hamilton, Ontario. Both photos using the K200D, 18-55 II kit lens.</p><div>00WWdk-246515584.jpg.f3b16c1ae1a35f389953a7fd6c5c697c.jpg</div>

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<p>Justin - Again, fabulous shot - I assume you had a tripod.<br>

Javier- #1 She's not smoking a "name brand" and she's stepping on the star of Thomas Edison. What film was he in? :-) #2 Frederic's? #3 Cheeky!!<br>

Lorenzo - I hear movie music, again - "2001" Great shot. I know how you feel about wanting a longer lens, but could you have gotten both in with a 400mm?<br>

Ben- #3 the color combo and twisty form<br>

Jeremiah - Heavy. Strong portrait.<br>

Rebecca - That's one peaceful 40min old kid. Great capture of the moment<br>

Bob - Very in the mood - I can feel it<br>

Somanna - Good angle, I just wish I could see more of the cables<br>

Robert - Thanks. On closer inspection, I see that the foreground wall has almost dropped out into the background, but sometimes I like dead center. The two girls, unfortunately, are not friends of mine, they were in a passing horse drawn carriage, some of which I should have included, but it was a reflex shot and I focused on what I was focused on.<br>

I like the subtle colors of your tulip and and the excellent clarity of the Fibonacci curves in #2 and # 3 is SAFE!<br>

John - Your reconnaissance was for the bikers was well worth it.<br>

Michael - You have much reason to be proud of Sasha - a great achievement! My eye keeps going to the girl on the end - she's glowing and looks like she may start ascending!<br>

Dorus - #s 1 and 2 are interesting and arresting -#3 is a lot more than creepy - your purpose?<br>

Nick -Great set and captions.<br>

Patrick - 1st one - the blue and the gold<br>

What a great group.</p>

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<p>Justin, love the river shot. Since I almost always use a tripod anymore, I never take off my polarizing filters. At worst, it adds more time to the exposure, but at its best it kills reflections and separates colors, instantly creating depth. A landscape photographers best friend.</p>

<p>Javier, looks like Hollywood Blvd. Where else?</p>

<p>Jeremiah, nice profile. It has a <em>L.A. Confidential</em> look. You can soften the shadow by simply stepping forward a few feet away from the fence. But it ain't bad the way it is...</p>

<p>Somanna, really cool bridge shot. It appears that you're hanging in thin air to get this shot. If you can get this angle, you're golden, baby.</p>

<p>As for me, I've been on the outskirts of Kansas City. Kansas City is like most big cities, except it's smaller. But surrounding the city, is farmland. You don't have to go far to find it. And sometimes, it can be a nice change of pace.</p>

<p>Here is a shot of a farm just off the Kansas/Missouri border, Kansas side.</p><div>00WWfY-246531584.jpg.f712cc8c0c90dc23e395a5549343a5eb.jpg</div>

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<p>Finally, you have to love man's ingenuity, resourcefulness and his stupidity. Here is a local golf course, built next to some new homes, and all on top of a former landfill. <em>"What's that smell, Ma?"</em></p>

<p>So they burn off the methane that naturally seeps from a former landfill. Surely there is a way to capture or use this gas in a productive way?<em><br /></em></p><div>00WWfq-246535784.thumb.jpg.c7cc8712ad0b5b57591f8abf8e358024.jpg</div>

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<p>I forgot to mention, my second shot is a HDR shot. Even with my Neutral Density filter, I couldn't come close to getting the foreground and the sky on the same page like the shot that I combined in Photomatix.</p>
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<p>There are some great shots posted this week, starting with the very first one.</p>

<p>A few of us got together on Thursday for some more night shooting in San Diego. This time we went to Coronado, to an area where the cross-bay ferry lands, to get some shots of the downtown skyline. This first shot includes the last ferry of the night just getting ready to leave for downtown. K7, DA40, ISO 100, 30 sec at f/16.<br>

<img src="http://frankbaiamonte.smugmug.com/San-Diego/Coronado-Night-052010/IMGP0798/874813749_JKwYc-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>I talked my friend James into holding still for the 10 sec exposure and the 2 sec timer delay for this shot. Only available light, no fill or flash. K7, DA40, ISO 100, 10 sec at f/7.1 (shorter shutter speed than I usually use as I didn't expect him to hold still for much longer).<br>

<img src="http://frankbaiamonte.smugmug.com/San-Diego/Coronado-Night-052010/IMGP0822/874815080_xhy43-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Since it stays light later we had time for some dinner before it got dark enough to shoot. There is an il Fornaio Restaurant on Coronado with a great view of downtown San Diego, and a really good grilled calamari, shrimp and scallop appetizer plate. I just combine this with a salad and lots of bread for light dinner. They put a parsley sauce on the plate that is quite good. K7, DA40, ISO 500, 1/30 at f/2.8. <br>

<img src="http://frankbaiamonte.smugmug.com/San-Diego/Coronado-Night-052010/IMGP0737/874810542_oTeJo-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Justin - love that night bridge shot. So rich in color and texture. Ooh.<br />Howard the red sailboat is so striking. I like the symmetry too.<br />Javier, I've seen punks like that lots of places and the very same mannequins in Miami Breach (also took photos) the but cheek peek is pretty bold! Maybe she forgot something that morning?<br />Somanna - the bridge shot is fantastic!<br />Robert, the daisy with the droplets is very appealing. <br />Michael - how exciting! You must be so proud - I know I'd be!<br />Nick - Great find with the lost gosling.<br />Steve, the light in the second (HDR) has a nice effect. I didn't realize it was HDR until you said so.<br /><br />I haven't shot much this week, but here's a few I have handy.</p>

<p>Indian Paintprush coming up. Saw this out mountain biking with the DA15 in my pack. <a title="IMGP4700 by somedudeus, on Flickr" href=" IMGP4700 src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4010/4614490774_a3014c71ee.jpg" alt="IMGP4700" width="500" height="333" /></a><br>


Lichens that reminded me of petroglyphs.<br>

<a title="IMGP4678 by somedudeus, on Flickr" href=" IMGP4678 src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4055/4614467564_71166c993f.jpg" alt="IMGP4678" width="500" height="333" /></a><br>


Old tree<br>

<a title="IMGP4674 by somedudeus, on Flickr" href=" IMGP4674 src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4015/4614467370_f4268e9b8b.jpg" alt="IMGP4674" width="333" height="500" /></a></p>

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<td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Xjnu40dQIuPsA0tqy4YOAg?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_OoQ7VkErqWQ/S_sNwKL0sNI/AAAAAAAAFaY/UfSD_uP4J6k/s800/Brendan%20sno%20cone.jpg" alt="" /></a></td>



<td >From <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/john.jwphoto/NightPhotography?feat=embedwebsite">Night Photography</a></td>




<p>Still playing around with my new wide angle. I love twilight / night shooting for the colors you can get. A sno cone proved to be a worthy bribe to keep my son still enough to get a few shots.</p>

<p>K20d w/ Sigma 10-20mm</p>

<p>1/60 @ f/4 , ISO 800</p>

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<p>Hi folks.<br>

Thank you all for your comments. I really appreciate them. Not everyday you see a lady who ''forgot'' to put on her underwear.....But then again, I have never really looked for that, but this one was pretty obvious...</p>

<p>My favs this week are<br>

Justin...That is my favorite of all you have made...I love the detail and the American flag in the corner just kicks ass! I really love this poster allot. I would have never even come close to thinking about a polarizer. I am also glad you did not ruin it with a watermark on the photo itself. Your marks are done with class....</p>

<p>Howard, Love the sail boat. That crazy red works well for me.</p>

<p>Rebecca, That is as good as it gets. What a precious baby!</p>

<p>John'O's bike shot. I love the finish ''allot''. I that film?</p>

<p>Frank, That first is awesome! I really need to get out at night more.</p>

<p>And John Wilsons Image of his son is simply awesome! I love it.....</p>

<p>All n All another great week folks...</p>

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<p>I just got a very nice comment on this photo on my site and thought it might not be too bad a shot (I wasn't too keen on it before, seems I might be in a bit of a rut with these types of abstract images).<br>

<img src="http://photography.ramkarran.com/img/v14/p1134520-5.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>The opening shot of the bridges by Justin is a most remarkably composed city shot. Try as I might I have never been able to integrate so many elements so well. I always end up just concentrating on one element. Very nicely done.<br>

Javier, that is one cheeky shot! How did you manage to do such a nice composition when faced with that? The subject is compelling enough, made more engaging by the composition.<br>

Somanna, that is a very nice juxtaposition.<br>

There is a lot of talent here. I am new, hope I don't embarrass myself by posting :) I don't do introductions well, so I hope this will serve.</p>

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<p>Thanks Matt and Dorus. I accept your criticism Dorus, it is a valid point.</p>

<p>The apparent lack of sharpness is all my fault though, firstly I opened the aperture to the max (f/2.5 on the excellent Vivitar series 1, 105mm) because stopped down a bit, the lattice behind the rope wasn't blurring to my satisfaction. And I also reduced the contrast a bit and introduced quite a bit of grain in lightroom 3, none of which did perceived sharpness any favours.</p>

<p>The rope in the original image is actually quite sharp (you can tell from the rope end, there is a bit more contrast where the rope fibres aren't all bunched together). I was in desperation on Saturday for my 365 project picture of the day :)</p>

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