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Shopping for New Ball Head


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<p>I am looking for advice about a new ball head.<br>

My gear:<br>

Nikon F100, 20mm, 35-70 2,8, 80-200mm 2,8 ED, 300mm F/4.<br>

Hasselblad 501CM 50, 80 ,150 mm.<br>

My budget is about $250-300. Markins, Feisol, Cullmann, Photoclam, Benro?<br>

Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks</p>


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<p>The only ball head of that caliber that I have used is the Acratech GP Ballhead. I like it's light weight, open design which doesn't make me worry about getting it dirty, and that it can also function as a pseudo gimbal head in a pinch, and can be used upside down as a leveling base and head (ideal for panoramas). It might be just a little out of your budget, but it's a nice head. If you don't need the leveling or gimbal functions, the Acratech Ultimate Ballhead might be a better option, as it preserves the light weight and open design.</p>
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<p>It is unfortunate that budget always constrains such questions. What I mean is that by adding a hundred or so the universe expands to such a range of quality. If one has invested in a 300 mm lens one should consider a ball head that can hold it and up the ante even if it means a paper route part time as some wag once put it... I wont make a simple recommendation but I am thinking that the RRS BH 40 looks good and I am contemplating it as a third even ball head; the Arca Swiss B-1 (which served me well) is worth considering. I also have a Foba Superball (got it used for a dandy price so you may get lucky if you look at the fleabay) which is a heavy son of a gun but is solid as a rock with its lever lockdown.<br>

I have read some good things about Acratech too but they seem less popular somehow and I wonder why, -maybe just smaller outfit and newer still not the flavor of the month type open design. I read a review here in PN, so check it out if you can find it. I like the idea of a company that has a US presence that is stable and tested for returns or repairs, so that too may be a consideration depending on your location... I hope this is in some little way constructive and not too too biased or generic. I wish you well. A good ball head is a joy forever to all of us who know and use tripods.</p>

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