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Olympus EP-2 and panasonic lens


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<p>No need for an adapter for any m4/3 lenses to any m4/3 camera between Olympus and Panasonic. They are, thankfully, interchangeable. <br>

The Lumix 20mm on the Olympus E-P2 is a winning combination. I use both regularly and am extremely pleased with the results. I haven't noticed any focusing problems whatsoever, but I have only had the combination for a couple months now and haven't had as much time to play around with it as I would have liked. A person more experienced using the Panasonic 20mm with the Olympus E-P2 may have more to say on this subject. There are a lot of people on various forums (including photo.net) who have posted extensive reviews on this combination. </p>

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