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Used 5D, EF-s 15-85 or... what to do?


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Ladies and Gentlemen,


I'm somewhat confused.

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I have an XTi(400D) and a 50D.

I have EF 24/2.8, 50/1.4, 100/2.8L IS Macro, 70-200/4L IS and a x1.4 extender.

(Plus a superzoom and a mirrorlens which are not to be mentioned.)

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I'm shooting more and more with primes.

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I'm a looking for the wide and normal view.

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One way of achieving this is going out and buy one or more lenses.

(Think Tokina 11-16/2.8, EF-s 15-85, EF 17-40 or one of the other nice options.)

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The other way of achieving this is getting a second hand 5D.

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The 5D would go great with a 24 / 50 / 100 set-up. (Plus 70-200 on 50D for range.)

However, it would probably mean that in the not so far future an upgrade to 5D-II and an upgrade to 24L would be looming.

Upgrades looming because I'm spoiled by the new menus, options and screen of my 50D and because'I think my 24/2.8 under performs...

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A (let's say) EF-s 15-85 would also solve the issue but it seems to me a sub-par solution.

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At the moment I've loaded a roll of film into my ancient EOS 650 to see how it looks with my current lenses. I must confess I love the viewfinder and like how my 24/2.8 works on it. [i have no usable samples of earlier 650 use because in those days I shot an EF 35-70 and a Sigma 70-210.]

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I'm slowly leaning towards getting a FF camera but am wondering if that's the smart thing to do considering my current set-up.

Am I missing some cool options for crop? (Like an earlier post of mine: "Is there a wide prime for crop?")

Is there a better plan of attack?

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Budget? Yup, I'd like to keep expenses as low as possible but I understand the fact that buying twice is more expensive than buying the definitive set-up in stead of working up to it gradually.


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<p>Yep, I too long for a new full frame digital everytime I pull out my EOS3 and shoot a little film with my current lenses. But, . . . I'll just have to stick with my 50D until the second or third mortage is paid off!</p>

<p>IMHO, I think the used 5D would be a good place to start. No it may not have all the current (ever changing) menus but hopefully the viewfinder will be satisfactory to you, and I would think it will considerably help the performance of the 24 f/2.8.<br>

Keep us posted, and let us know how it works out for you!</p>


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<p>Sigma has a wide prime fisheye specifically for a crop sensor, but that may not be the kind of wide you want. I've heard/read here, but have no experience to back it up, that regular fisheyes don't give so much of a fisheye effect on a crop sensor, and can be adjusted in post to look like a normal wide shot. Maybe that's the way to go for a superwide prime on your 50D.</p>


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<p>I got a really good original 5D (used only on weekends by a little old Leica collector) with a 24-105mm and a 430EX a little more than a year ago and I have been extremely pleased with it. However, I was "upgrading" from a 20D, so the jump to higher pixel density was fairly high. I have kept my 20D, however, as well as the XTi and I use them all the time. The camera that sees the least use is the XTi, I'm just not strongly enamored of the control system on it. I'll admit, I do use the 5D more than the 20D. It's a lovely camera.</p>

<p>My reason for getting on was that I have an ancient PC-Nikkor 35mm f/2.8 lens that is a long 'normal' on the APS-C cameras. My desire to have perspective control again at 35mm sensor was the proximate cause of my going "full-frame" -- otherwise, I'd probably have got a 50D at the time. ;) Ironically, that same lens was the reason I went to Nikon from Canon back in 1971, so it has tended to shape my choice of cameras for many years. Eventually, I'll amass enough resources to to get a TS-E 17mm lens, but for now I have two different formats, and two different sets of lenses for each, each going from ultra-wide to telephoto. That's not so bad, except for the ever-present danger of hernia.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Matthijs, I think your strategy of getting a used 5D for your current lenses is a very sound one. You seem to prefer primes over zooms, and have an excellent set of them. The 24/2.8 may not the best built lens in the EF line-up, but it is optically very fine. (I sold mine only because I have the 17-40, don't shoot below 35mm all that often, and so decided to unload my two widest primes).</p>

<p>As far as cost goes, if you pick up a used 5D with the intention of eventually replacing it with a 5D II (or III), you'll be able to sell the older body for near to what you paid for it. After all, there will always be those wanting to get into full frame cheaply.</p>

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<p>I have the 24/50/100 combination that you speak of, and yes, it is perfect for the 5D. I'm sad to hear that your 24mm f/2.8 was broken in a fall. Like the poster above, I'd recommend that you see how affordable the repair bill will be for your 24mm. If it's isn't affordable, you'll have to consider getting another one, or weigh other, more expensive options. I feel for you. That's terrible luck!</p>
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