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<p>I need a bit of advice regarding filters for my Leica M3 with a Summicron 50 f2 lens. What I was thinking was getting a polarizing filter for colour film and a yellow filter for black and white film. Could anyone advise me on which ones to get?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>


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<p>As I am sure you are aware, using a polariser is slightly more difficult on a camera where you cannot look through the lens. There is a Kenko system of a matched calibrated viewfinder and lens filter to deal with this - it's the only one of its kind I've heard of.<br>

As regards a b+w correction filter, Leica of course make their own - I tend to use B+W brand, which I consider to be top (German) quality and which are a little cheaper (particularly if you buy them (new) on e-bay directly from Germany). Yellow is a useful colour - I personally prefer yellow-green (still only a 2x exposure factor).</p>

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<p>Do you mean brand? Well, the yellow is easiest so I'll start there. You could go with Leica for this. I think anything that is multicoated will do you fine. Depending on the filter size, B+W are also a good alternative. Hoya are good too but I don't think they will make the size you are after.<br>

As for PLs, you have some choices. I was going to explain but have a look here instead: http://www.1839.org/hors/trucs/polarsm/index.html?lang=en</p>

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<p>There is a special swing mounted polarising filter made by Leitz, which you set out in front then swing through 180 degrees to in front of the lens. It clamps on the lens front. There used to be a few around second hand. For any other filters, just coated 39mm filters. Hoya are good enough<br>


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<p>To get an idea on the effects of filters you might enjoy visiting B+W website. From the link below, choose F-Pro (screw in) mount, 39mm diameter, and B&W for application. Each filter page has a sample tab, where you can see the effect. You might consider getting other colours than yellow, too. For dramatic skies, I would go for red-orange, for instance.</p>

<p>B+W filter search page: <a href="https://www.schneideroptics.com/filters/filter_search_bw.htm">https://www.schneideroptics.com/filters/filter_search_bw.htm</a></p>

<p>You are free to buy from other manufacturers, of course. :-)</p>


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<p>It's a question of personal taste, but I feel the orange filter is better than the yellow filter for most of my applications (primarily sky darkening, sometimes to lighten some fall foliage) and it is not as extreme as light or medium red. If you can find the swing-out Leica polarizer, make sure it attaches over your lens barrel (I believe so) and that there is no separation of the polarizer within the glass sandwich. It works very well.</p>
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