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Nikon Wednesday Pic 2010: #18

Matt Laur

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<p>Good Morning WedNEsDAy :)</p>

<p>As usual nice images posted so far and many more to come. First of all, <strong>Thanks Doug Rice. </strong>I am glad you liked night scene of Boston.</p>

<p>Here is my contribution, this is taken yesterday evening. I went to one of the garden nearby with few friends to learn flower shooting and as well macro. When we reached there is was nice sunny day but later weather was not co-operative and started raining. We waited for 30-45mins and around 6pm it was ok to go back in the garden. This one is after the rain and I liked the rain-drops on the flower. This is taken handheld, I think I need to start looking for tripod :)</p>

<p>D90, Tamron 90mm using Shutter 1/25, f14 at ISO 800</p>

<p><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_v_Hx1NTKpoc/S-DP249O6pI/AAAAAAAABfk/Crn1GVNuyXY/s800/DSC_5209_1.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>It was a rather poor in these last two week for me and photography. Raining, raining and raining.<br /> There was just a bit of dry (but humid) time saturday morning for visiting a local amusement park for kids.</p>

<p><img src="http://thefoodtraveller.smugmug.com/Other/TFT-fotolog/DSC1202/854453477_eV2hu-L.jpg" alt="" /><br /> <em>D700, 24-70@24</em></p>

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<p>Good Morning, and thank you to those who commented on my cougar image from last week. The fun with this new 105 mm lens continues now that the flowers are beginning to bloom in ou woods. This is with my D300 at f8, 1/320 sec, iso 200. The flower is about 3 inches tall...<br>

Have a great week!<br>


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<p>Hello Everybody,<br>

thank you to all of you, who commented on my last week's photo, your kind words are very much appreciated. <br>

My photo this week was taken with a macro lens I borrowed from a good friend. This flower was in my garden and my son found it for me and was really thrilled, that I wanted to photograph it. <br>

Taken with Nikon D700, Tamron 90mm f/2.8 @ ISO 200, f/22, 1/125s <br>

Have a lovely week, I look forward to seeing all the photos. There are some pretty amazing out there already. <br>


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<p>Here's my very first post to this thread. I've enjoyed viewing the images here over the last few weeks and there's some beautiful imagery here. Wish I could comment on all of them. In any case, I'm pleased to contribute and happy viewing to all!<br>

<strong>THIS UPRIGHT BASS</strong> player (an amazing young musician, performing here in a newly-formed acoustic trio named Echo3) has no trouble with his bowing -- it's his tongue that needs the discipline. The image reflects very well the light-sided aspect of this music.</p>


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<p>I photographed this bear last week in northern Wisconsin a mile or so from the south shore of Lake Superior. I don't know what happened to it's face, some have suggested mange, burned it in a fire or frostbite. </p><div>00WOdQ-241787584.jpg.187446e8d66c010b2cedd5d53acb9bfb.jpg</div>
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<p>Here is one more from the Indian Bamboo forests of the south. D200, 24-85 f2.8-4 @ 1/50, f7.1, ISO 200. <br>

This was shot during an early morning drive through this jungle, while trying to spot wild elephants.....not difficult at all. <br>

Thats a marvelous pic Li'l!! So many lovely ones!! <br>

:-) </p><div>00WOdX-241789584.jpg.485b1596ab9b069ebd61c965abddf879.jpg</div>

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<p>Hi All,<br>

Great shots as usual. Lots of talent here!<br>

I have been practicing panning lately. I am not very good at it yet - lots of misses.<br>

This is at my son's (not him in photo) middle school track meet.<br>

D90 with "ancient" 55/3.5 macro lens at 1/30 sec, f/32 ISO 100.<br>

Didn't have a ND filter, so needed f/32. Finally ordered a ND filter.<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/10976250-lg.jpg" alt="" width="610" height="465" /></p>


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<p>Happy Wednesday to all and a beautiful day it is here in New Jersey. Looks like it is going to be another fabulous viewing day. Can't wait to get back later at spend some more time looking. I must say to Matt though.........................darn how many times have I had "that" discussion w/ my wife and later regretted listening to her. Oh well a battle for another day. This weeks shot was taken last Friday afternoon at the local arboretum. It is a wildflower of some type, that I spied hiding under a rather large leaf and thought I could bring it to Nikon Wednesday. I'll be back later to comment.</p>


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<p>Another wonderful Wednesday ! Thanks to everyone who commented on my photo last week. I am sorry I did not get the opportunity to make comments on all the absolutely wonderful photos.<br /> As a resident of southeast Louisiana, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has occupied my thoughts these past weeks.<br /> This shot is a sea shell that I found on one of the barrier islands in the Gulf of Mexico many many years ago. I pulled it out this past weekend and reminisced about the white sands, the sea birds and all the beauty and diversity of the shorelines. I know I did not capture what I was feeling in this photo, but I do hope you can see the beauty and frailty of nature .<br /> D300 105mm f/11 shutter 1/60 <br /> I title this Stewardship</p><div>00WOgP-241823684.jpg.3e15bc3389433b0ceeeb6e98269f937e.jpg</div>
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<p>Hi All,<br />Wish I could compliment everyone individually, but some of my favorites are:<br /><br />Matt L. - life is like a box of chocolates...<br />Rick D and Lil J - very nice macro work as usual <br />Keith O - we're neighbors!<br />Greg K - that kid can jump!<br />Jeff L, Sanfor G - great portrait<br />Tiffany and Louis - lovely kids and photos<br />Vineet R - Wow!<br />Anish M, Alpo S, Matthew B, Michael M, Ian R, Abib B - very nice landscapes<br />Dave L - I may have to get that lens<br />Durukan - terrific shot from plane<br />Jonathon Y - looks very majestic, wish I could see more<br />Bogdon N - great humor<br />Kent S - must have taken some patience!<br />Aguinalso, Jonas S - lovely architecture shot<br />Francesco P - nice colors and motion<br />Bob R - I stick my tongue out too; good photo<br />Tim H - must have been an exciting encounter</p>
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