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A List of Hasselblad Digital Backs?


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<p>I'm not too sure if this has been answered before (I did check), but what are a list of digital backs made for the Hasselblad V series, what are the approximate prices, and where can I find one used (and as dirt cheap as possible since I'm a college student)?<br>

I'd also like to know if there are any for sale or rent in the Milwaukee (preferred) or Chicago area. And no, please don't list Calumet -- I find them to be kinda rude and their deposit to be somewhat extravagant.<br>


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<p>I can't address the Milwaukee and Chicagoland rental houses, but pretty much every digital back is either adaptable to the V-series or comes in a V-series version. It's not too hard to check what's available on the used market and then see whether a V adapter's available for it.</p>

<p>The variable is whether you want to keep the square format: If you're OK with a 645 ratio, you've got a ton of options new and old. Square sensors, on the other hand, are pretty darn hard to come by.</p>

<p>Off the top of my head, the Phase One P20+ and the Hasselblad CFV are pretty close to the extent of square backs.</p>

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<p>Colin's right. Nearly all digital backs come in a Hass V version. Phase One and Leaf use fixed mounts on their backs so you will need to find one with the right mount. Sinar backs (and some Hasselblad backs) use an interchangeable mount system, so you just need to buy a back and the right adapter. The advantage of the latter system is that you can use the same back on many camera platforms even on the same day, if necessary.</p>
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<p>What about ROTATING backs for Hasselblad V? Are there any?<br>

I could live with a rectangular sensor much more easily if I could just rotate the back instead of the entire camera. This is partly because I like to use the waist level finder or a 45 degree prism.</p>


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Phase One "rectangular sensor" backs for Hasselblad "V" cameras can be rotated, in the sense that they have databus connections on two sides of the mount. You do have to detach the back though and turn it through 90 degrees to achieve the rotation, not something I would want to do on a windy beach for example, but still its possible and no need for a 90 degree prism finder as you don't flip the camera.<br>

Kind regards Simon </p>

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<p>In the older therefore cheaper models, there is the H25 which is rectangular. To switch it's orientation you must remove the back from the camera. You also have to change the position of the mask in the VF. In square backs there are the H20 and H10. These can all be had on ebay for a song.</p>
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