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<p>Quick question. Currently I have a pro site hosted by smugmug. I love everything about them except one thing. I would like a way for the client to proof images. Smugmug has proofing but whatever the client picks automatically gets sent back to me to retouch and then its off to the lab. The client is billed and the prints are sent directly to the client. I dont want pictures automatically printed. So I am looking to proof a bit differently but I just cant figure out how to integrate it with my website. I would like for the bride and groom to simply be able to check the images they like whether it be for the album, prints or anything else. Once they choose the images they want I just want an email or something that lists the clients preferred pictures and maybe some color/ b&w choices. I know that there are separate proofing sites but I want to somehow have it linked directly to my site with my sites look. I'm sure the way I asked this question is about as clear as mud, but any help would be appreciated.</p>
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<p>@Brian, Maria's suggestion will make William's process easier. What you're looking for is self-fulfillment.

SmugMug has a section where users can vote for features they want. The feature you want is:<p>


<p><ul><li><a href="http://smugmug.uservoice.com/forums/17723-smugmug/suggestions/233655-let-us-have-a-self-fulfillment-print-order-capabil?ref=title">Self Fulfillment</a></li></ul></p>


<p>Edit: Self Fulfillment differs from the above suggestion because you will be able to bill the customer using SmugMug for images you'll be printing yourself (I presume that is the end result of what you're asking for).</p>

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