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how would you get this pose?


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<p>i've tried and tried but cannot seem to get the baby to stay in this position! those who have done it, HOW? i can get them in it, but when i rush back to get into position to shoot it, the baby moves! lol do you have an assistant who helps you?<br>

or i'll try to position the baby, and they will fight me on it! lol they are sleeping, but want to keep their head tucked in and won't let me move it.</p>

<p>how do you get this shot? what am i not doing that i should be doing?</p>

<p><b>Image removed by moderator per the photo.net Terms of Use.</b></p>

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<p>Dana -</p>

<p>I would say with assistant, if not then with remote to fire the camera as you step out of frame. It really is a nice shot however, the moderator will kill the picture as the rules states:</p>

<p>"DO NOT POST IMAGES THAT ARE NOT YOURS. If you find something on the web and want to know how to get a similar look, post a link to that photo in its ORIGINAL locations. Photo.net respects photographer's copyrights."</p>

<p>Best Regards,<br>


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To me, this image is creepy. Where is the back half of the baby? How are the feet all the way up by the chin? Feet aside, the image is excellent. The gesture is perfect, hands perfect, lighting, skin tones, textures all perfect.


I'm inclined to think that the baby is being supported from below, and only the illusion is given that she is rested on her belly. She is probably being held by the bottom. Something like this might account for the "baby folded in half" effect. Either that, or the baby is deformed. Maybe this is a PSD (Photoshop Disaster).


You should definitely go back and find the original image link, and post the link for when the image gets deleted by moderator.

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<p>babies are incredibly flexible at that age. I used to play with my daughter when she was that small by touching her toes to her nose. for them to completely bring their faces to their feet is no challenge for them. getting a baby into that pose is not very difficult. getting them to sit still is the hard part ;)<br>

here are a few similar shots (scroll down a bit on the page)<br>

<a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1212179/Sweet-dreams-Newborns-sleeping-beauties-photographers-adorable-baby-pictures.html">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1212179/Sweet-dreams-Newborns-sleeping-beauties-photographers-adorable-baby-pictures.html</a></p>

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<p>Babies that age have rubber bands for bones. You can easily fold them in half, quarters with a little extra effort :-) , when you can get them to stop crying for Mom, and often they will fall asleep at the drop of the hat. I don't do much at all in the way of baby photography, because quite frankly, I do not have the patience, but this looks like a pretty easy shot to set up.</p>
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