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I would like Canon to...


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<p>1. Enable AF confirm via a menu option, allowing alternative lens users access to AF confirm without having to install Chinese AF confirm chips.<br /> <br /> 2. For once place their customers first by discontinuing their sabotaging of 3rd party lens makers regarding compatibility. Make the tough decision to compete on the basis improving their own designs rather than on the basis of intentional engineering incompatibility with 3rd party lenses.<br /> <br /> 3. Re-issue the Canon 1.26x FD to EOS teleconverter adapter.</p>

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<p>...update the 28 f/1.8 to an EF 28 f/1.4 USM so there is something to rival the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 for us APS-C users who are crying out for a decent 'normal' prime but would prefer not to buy 3rd party. It has been 15 years (1995) since the 28 f/1.8 was released! Isn't it about time?</p>
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<p>I would also vote for a low-end FF camera Nathan, to put it under $1000 might be a challenge with the current prices for the sensors... but... We can dream. (although used 5DI and old 1dS might be getting close to $1000?) guess that would be the same thing, just have to hope the previous owner didn't demolish it.</p>
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<p>Canon, I am certainly ready for my 3D, which is, of course, the marriage of a 7D's form and function to a 5DII sensor.<br>

If you really want to rock my boat, feel free to REDUCE the # of megapixels by 20% or so.<br>

If you are determined to make me swoon, or perhaps faint, do all of this in a package retailing for <$2,100 (thanks Ken!)<br>

ps- please send me advance warning, Canon, so I can recoup top dollar for my 7D before the 3D comes out. I swear I won't tell...</p>

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