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Need help quick - D90 pop up flash


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<p>I just received my new D90. I am going to a play tonight and want to take pictures of my nieces and I don't want the pop up flash to go off. I read the manual but I can't seem to get the no flash symbol. It hops from flash to red eye to slow to rear back to flash. I never see a flash with the circle around it meaning no flash. Can anyone help? Am I doing something wrong?</p>
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<p>Just don't put the camera in the completely automatic mode. Consider a fairly high ISO setting (perhaps 800), and then use Aperture Priority mode, setting the lens to the widest aperture (the lowest f-stop value) that your lens will allow. Your camera will then choose the fastest shutter speed it can get away with, under the circumstances. It will probably be a low speed, so camera or subject motion blur will still be an issue. The higher the ISO, the less of the problem that will be - but the more noise you'll get in the images.<br /><br />The good news is that the pop-up won't do anything you don't tell it to.</p>
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<p>OK Thanks Matt! I just bought a new lens too (Sigma 70-200 f/2.8) and they both just came and I have to leave for the play in a half hour so I'm trying to figure it all out. I wasn't sure which mode I should use. I was thinking aperture but wasn't sure so I'm glad you said that. This should be interesting! lol</p>
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<p>read the whole manual? wow cliché much! i have had my D90 for over a year and i've barely touched it :D</p>


you're looking at the wrong settings - there is a circular DIAL on the left-hand-side of your flash. there are M, A, S, P, Auto (the green one) AND THEN THE "NO FLASH" SYMBOL. (in that order; turn it so the circle with the lightning bolt crossed out is aligned with the white line between the dial and the viewfinder)</p>

<p>in case you still wanted that clarified.....</p>

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<p>I know I'm a day late and a dollar short, but</p>

<p>In A,S,P, and M, you have to manually set your flash to go off</p>

<p>The icon on your dial that looks like a lightning bolt with a circle/hash (NO FLASH) is auto with...NO FLASH!!!</p>

<p>Also, in AUTO, you can hold the lightning bolt (Flash) button on the left side of the camera (above the BKT button), and turn the back dial on the right of the camera until the icon on your top LED screen shows the NO FLASH icon.</p>


<p>RS </p>

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<p>Aha! Very clear now! I had it in A mode when I was looking for the no flash symbol while pushing the flash button on the side and that's why it wasn't showing on the top LED screen. All makes sense now. I am just taking a digital photography course and started learning about aperture and shutter speeds etc. and I'm just beginning my journey of NOT using the bad green AUTO mode! :)</p>

<p>I have to say I LOVE this D90 so far! I upgraded fro a D50. My play pictures came out much better than I expected since I only had the lens and camera for an hour or so before I had to take the pictures and it was hard to try different settings while paying attention to the play and not annoying the people sitting next to me. Here is one of the photos I took.</p>

<p>Thanks again SO much for all the help! It is greatly appreciated!</p><div>00W39M-230849584.jpg.e60e862dbb972ecbcf8b6a307e30c830.jpg</div>

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