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Shutter settings faulty on 6008i


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<p>Anybody a clue? Turning the shutter knob on my 6008i returns faulty shutter settings, i. e. setting "30 ' ' " displays "30' ' ", then turning it to "1' ' " displays for example "4 ' ' " as well as "8' ' " sometimes, turning it to "500" returns "2", "4", "25" or similar. It seems as if the camera does receseive the values when the knob is turned. When triggered, the camera exposes with the displayed value, so I cannot set the desired shutter speed.<br>

In A mode the shutter timing is correct. Accu pack is freshly loaded, resetting or switching the camera off doesn't change a thing.<br>

What happens here?<br>

Anything I can repair myself?</p>

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<p>Hello Tak,</p>

<p>thanks a lot for the quick response, it was very helpful. Though there didn't seem to be a lot of residue on the bayonet, the situation improved on the shutter knob, but wasn't yet completely in order (still wrong values...).<br>

After turning the knob over the complete range back and forth, including A, knob position and display matched again.<br>

I disassembled the main parts (WLF, mag, lens, accu) for further cleaning afterwards, then the phenomenon appeared another time, only to vanish after running the knob through all positions.<br>

Could this be some kind of calibration, with 'A' as a reference? Are the speeds hardwired into the circuits (absolute position; contact "1000" carries the value "1000") or just the positions in a way (relative position), that if you turn the knob from A to 1000, the body knows "Oh! First click after A, must be 1000, the rest I know, they follow in EV-thirds"?<br>

Thanks again<br>


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<p>Hi Klaus, I am not an engineer, and I may not be able to answer all your questions. but the shutters normally do not need calibration. and certainly setting to 'A' is not a calibration or reset (some lenses do not go to 1/1000). but contact problems inside the camera knob, at the bayonet, inside the lens case are all possibilities I think. If you have another lens you can try and see if the same thing still happens. Otherwise you may have to take your camera to someone who knows how to repair it Best, Tak</p>
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