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Nikon WedNEsDAy PiC 2010: #11

Matt Laur

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<p>At first I want to thank all of you whom have commented my forest photo from last week! I had no idea that this is so active forum and got overwhelmed for the response to my first submission at this thread. So, once again, thank you all! Special thank`s to Gej for your kind mail!<br /> I tried to response to the previous thread, but it was already closed, so a quick comment that these were my pickings from the previous week:<br>

<strong>Dieter Schaefer</strong><br /> <strong>Greg Jones</strong><br /> <strong>Nick Doronin </strong><br /> <strong>Gary Leighton</strong><br /> <strong>Benjamin Majcen</strong> - Great atmosphere and wonderful view!<br /> <strong>Richard Karash</strong> - Absolutely wonderful baby! Congratulations to you and to the family!<br>

<br /> As it comes to my wednesday pic for this week. Nothing special and yet at the same time nothing ordinary is my theme at this week. I just wanted to enjoy the light and the enchanting surfaces that the OOF:fed trees, snowflakes and branches form. Hope you like it.<br>

If you wonder what this shows, take a look at it in a little big larger form by clicking it in my "2010 - March" folder at my portfolio.</p>


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<p><strong>Matthew </strong> - I wish I could tell you. I'm looking at my Sibley, & from what I can see there's a lot of different kinds of Pine. In California the potentials are....<br>

Ponderosa Pine, Jeffrey Pine, & Torrey Pine - who knew there were so many different types of Pine trees.... I think it's a Jeffrey's Pine - - but I don't really know. I'm guessing based upon Sibley's Guide to Trees.<br>

Thanks for asking & even noticing the photo. :-)</p>

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<p>According to (a very old) law, ships in Holland, how big or small they may be, have always precedence over cars and other traffic. So it happens regularly that, say, 60 cars have to wait ten minutes for the passing through of a single small sailing boat.In this case it was a giant sea-ship I was waiting for. In a little town called Terneuzen. Photospecs: ISO 200 - f/8 at 1/160<strong></strong></p><div>00W1F9-229873584.jpg.0bb02b58e074c8be90c121dfce49c557.jpg</div>
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<p>So many awesome shots this week! My contribution this week is from a really really windy and dramatically cloudy day in Otago last weekend.. These are fence posts, or maybe they're just bits of wood standing at the edge of a farm... I loved the light and the clouds behind them. </p>

<p>Nikon D700 with Nikkor 180/2.8, handheld. Otago, New Zealand. </p><div>00W1FF-229875584.jpg.6714f2cff68272d20eb0e2788c6d46c6.jpg</div>

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<p>Wow, this many here already. This was Monday night in the driveway of the California Club in downtown Los Angeles. My first night of using a new Tamron AF 17-50 f/2.8 VC for a philharmonic concert at the club. So far so good. Sunday I'm going to shoot the LA Marathon and see how well it does.</p><div>00W1FY-229881584.jpg.09b1f605b722365f5ee7238ed49344e5.jpg</div>
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<p>Just finished building my 'keezer' -- chest freezer converted to kegerator. Nothing like having your own taps in the garage for homebrew.<br>

<img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_ssFDt3NdzFc/S6B2lT-fBcI/AAAAAAAADcI/WswOzcxPZMM/s800/20100316-DSC_5178.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="426" /><br>

<strong>D700, 24-70/2.8 @ 50mm, 1/8, f/2.8 ISO 200</strong></p>


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<p>Happy wednesday!<br>

Apart from the high quality (getting used to that, but never entirely), what a stunning amount is up already. Wednesday is just getting started here (CET)....?</p>

<p>Last weekend, I could finally go out again a bit; nice, somewhat wet, spring weather and some photographic inspirations slowly came flowing back after being gone for a wintersleep. Here's a bit of the result:</p>

<p align="center"><img src="http://www.ww-web.nl/Images/wednesday/20100314_219wed.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p align="center">Nikon D300, Nikkor-P 105mm f/2.5 (AI'd)</p>

<p align="center">1/160th, f/4, ISO200.</p>

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<p>Happy Wednesday. There are already plenty nice photos posted already!</p>

<p>This week's photo is of Ben Prestage playing at the KiFF club in Aarau, Switzerland last Thursday Night.<br>

Nikon D700 at ISO 4000, 70-200/2.8 VR, 1/125s @ f/2.8, RAW converted in Adobe Lightroom 2.</p><div>00W1Gb-229897584.jpg.71bf74aa74ecb955733fa25042c66089.jpg</div>

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<p>I found this little guy in the bathroom on monday. This is in fact the first spider/insect I have seen since October. So despite the fact that it's minus 3 degrees, still snowing, and nothings growing, I've decided to take this spider as a sign of Spring and warmer days approaching. Hibernation time is over!</p>


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