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Olympus OM2-SP with stuck film advance lever


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<p>Hello! <br />My beloved Oly OM2SP is jammed and perhaps someone here could help me!<br /><br />Let me tell you how it happened: <br />I was about to take a photo. I pushed the film advance lever, I pointed the camera, adjusted the aperture and I shotted. <br />Well, it all went very fast, but I think the photo had been successful taken (I'm not sure though). But the camera jammed! <br />-"Oh.The batteries are dead" I thought. (and they are) <br />I turned to the 'B' position to unlock the mirror, the mirror unlocks but everything is jammed... <br />The courtain is in it's place. But the film advance lever doesn't move at all and the shoot button is "down" (like when it needs the film to be advanced)... <br />After the camera jammed, I pressed the Release button and removed the film and the release button is also stuck into the down position... <br /><br>

I had this problem before but I was a noobie then and I sent it for repair... <br />But now I have a little more experience so I would like to give it a try... <br />Can anyone give me any tips? Perhaps this happened to anyone before? <br /><br />Oh...I almost forgot.. Later, I messed up the mirror, sadly.. I know, I shouldn't mess with the courtains...But, in my sad despair for my beloved little camera, I moved the courtain a little bit... The courtain is on it's place but the mirror is now locked in the "open" position.. <br /><img src="http://www.kyphoto.com/classics/forum/clipart/sad.gif" border="0" alt=":-(" /> <br />I'm sorry for any mistakes on the writting...Portuguese guy here! ;) <br /><br>

I would really appreciate any tips or ideas...<br />Thanks in advance, <br />Rui.</p>


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<p>The wind gears in the bottom of the camera are probably out of sync right now, that's why everything is jammed. This is caused by the usually snappy wind latches (which stop the wind mech after a full wind) being sluggish due to migrating oil. The latch assembly (which is riveted shut) would have to be drilled out, all the parts degreased, then rebuilt. You may be able to unjam the gears, but since the CAUSE of the jam isn't being addressed, it will most likely jam again soon. John</p>
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  • 4 weeks later...

<p>Hi Rui!<br>

I think I have the exact same problem with my OM2SP as you did with yours. I can lift the mirror up with my finger but the lever, the release button and the shoot button are all jammed. The batteries are still alive, and it seems like everything else is in order too. Since it seems like you solved the problem with your camera, could you help me out? My email is sininenpoika@gmail.com . Thank you so much in advance, I can't wait to get it fixed!<br>


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