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Miller's Lab Book disappointment

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<p>I am wondering if anyone else is having an issue with Miller's Lab when it comes to their coffee table books. Every time we've ordered a custom cover 8x8 coffee table book, we have had to send it back because there is a corner nicked. I'd understand if it happened once or if it was a shipping issue but this is not a sometimes it is messed up and sometimes it is right. This is every time in the same corner. I've had to send the same book back 3 times now. Is anyone else dealing with something like this?</p>
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<p>I do like Miller's colors better than WHCC but I've been a loyal WHCC customer for a few years now because I find their customer service and overall attention to detail much better.  I haven't experienced any bumped or nicked products, but the overall experience I had with Miller's sounds consistent with what you're describing.  Bummer :(</p>
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