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Is the 7D being discontinued?


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<p>I am looking to purchase the 7D, but just heard a tiny (and possibly fictitious) rumor that it might be discontinued in the near future. I know that cameras are discontinued and upgraded all of the time. I would still be interested in purchasing it, but might hold off to save a few bucks. Can anyone give me insight on this or help dispel the rumor?<br>


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<p>Thank you, Mr. Gardner & Mr. Atkins, for your input. I was actually told by a electronic "mega-store" employee that it was her assumption since they will not be ordering anymore for their store. She said that is usually what happens...<br>

So - I will discredit her assumption and tread forward with my purchase!<br>

Thank you again!</p>

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<p>Better NOT be discontinued - I should be getting my hands on my own 7D today or Monday...</p>

<p>Looks like I timed it just right considering the $100 rebate - I checked the prices on Sunday, went into the store to order it on Monday and they told me about the rebate, the rebate that wasnt listed on the website on Sunday so..woohoo for me!</p>

<p>The lower price (since it came out), the rebate, and a $150 gift certificate from the wife is making that camera really cheap for me.</p>

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<p>Many electronics mega store discontinue products, not because of actual manufacturer discontinuance, but because for their local demographics there is no demand for a certain product. My local best buy in the area of a majority latino community, they only have canon rebels and Nikon consumer grade dslr's. However, if I drive 30 minutes to the Best Buy in Irvine, they have the 5DmkII and 7D in stock. That employee assumes too much.</p>
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<p>As Enrique said, she doesnt know anything. She knows they(maybe Best Buy) wont be ordering anymore.....because they arent selling any.</p>

<p> My local Wolf/Ritz Pro Shop isnt ordering anything more than Rebels anymore....not because Canons stopping everything.....but because they screwed Canon in Bancruptcy deal and Canon wont front them anything anymore. If its to be discontinued, they wont know before us, thats for certain.</p>

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<p>It definitely is being discontinued, uninformed protests to the contrary notwithstanding. I'm looking forward to its replacement, which I'll likely buy sight unseen the minute it hits the street. My goal is have the 150k cycle shutter self-destruct in mid-shot at that same moment, but not before.</p>


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<p>There <em>have</em> been a few Canon EOS cameras over the years that had very short runs - if I remember correctly without being where I can look it up - I think the EOS 600 model only lasted for 9 months or some such short period (the camera with the problem on the dials).</p>

<p>However confident or uninformed various folks may be, the lifespan of a Canon EOS body has usually been two or three years, as Nathan suggests above. I have heard nothing very credible about major quality control or design issues on the 7D, 'though I haven't really been specifically looking either.</p>

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<p>The Canon EOS 600 was actually in production for 3 years. I won one in a Canon calendar competition. It should have been a 650 but they gave me 600 as it had just replaced the 650. I had no trouble with the dials.<br>

The 7D will be around for a while. Don't worry.</p>

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