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Battery drain on 1Ds

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<p>My 1Ds seems to drain the battery when it is idle on the shelf. A full battery empties during a couple of days. There is some connection problem I think, because when I turn the power of, the display stays lit, although the the camera otherwise seems turned off (no focus, no shutter action, no response when I change aperture etc.) Has anyone experienced anything similar? Is it a problem that can be solved with reinstallation of software, or will the camera have to be sent for repairs. Would it in that case be a costly repair? Regards Hans Petter</p>
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<p>The 1Ds does have a NiCad battery. NiCad batteries by their nature do self discharge over time. But not in the space of a couple of days. More like a couple of weeks to a month. Keep them on the charger when not in use. Use the refresh function of the charger every 3-6 months. Cheap aftermarket brand batteries are just as good. I can't tell the difference between my Canon originals and the $30 Chinese knockoffs. For $220 less though I wouldn't be complaining if they weren't as good.</p>

<p>But it sounds like there is something wrong with your camera if the LCD doesn't turn off when the camera is switched off. Better get that looked at.</p>


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<p>Thanks. I just found out it had to do with the lens. I have been using my 1Ds with an adapter and Olympus OM-lenses. The problem I described disappeared when I put on a EOS 50 mm 1.8 lens. Ha anyone had the same experience with other of the canon-range of cameras. Is it possible to get adapters that do not trigger this problem?</p>
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