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Rollei 6008I2 camera strap accidentally moves ISO dial


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I am new to Rollei 6008I2 cameras. I love this camera but it has one anoying thing that happens with the stock rollei camera strap. For some reason the clearence between the ISO dial on film back and the strap lug is very tight causing the ISO dial to move sometimes. This has ruined a few exposures. I would have the film dial set at 100 ISO and the next thing I know its moved up to 400 by itself. Is there a different strap that does not do this? I have been shooting with just the hand grip and never have a problem but it sure would be nice to have a strap on it just in case I slipped or something.<br>

Has anyone else had this problem with the strap?</p>


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I have a 6003; similar situation. The metal strap "clips" that attach to the camera lugs can interfer with the camera controls. I'm using the Op-Tech strap but I believe the strap clips are failry standardized. Mine don't overlap the ISO setting on the film magazine, just get in the way of the On switch.</p>

<p>Oh .... A quick note about the identification of Rollei's interchangable film pieces. They type you have - removable with a built in dark slide - is known as a magazine. Some early models of the camera had a non-removable, no dark slide piece known as a back. Not really of any significance unless you plan to buy another and find an unbelievably low priced "back": not what you want.<br>

Joe </p>

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