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When will Canon 5D MKII come down to the $2000 mark


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<p>Well, I realize this will be all conjecture, but if you base things on the original 5D, announced 8/2005 and hit the $2100 mark....at least at B&H...apprx 11/2007, a roughly 33% reduction, the time is coming this year for the 5D MKII to follow suit. The MKII was announced in 9/2008, so it's apprx bottom price could hit near the end of 2010. If 33% reduction also happens, that's apprx $1800 price new. Me personally would be happy to get it for $2000, so maybe 9/2010 could be a possibility.</p>

<p>My afore mentioned comments assume a WHOLE lot....but, it is historical data, and does deserve some concideration. B&H already sells it for $2499 with a free $50 bag and 2 $75 memory cards. Given that those accesories cost no where near $200 for B&H....maybe $100....and B&H is still making some money, it means they could probably sell it for $2399 right now if they didn't give away the other stuff with it.</p>

<p>Any thoughts or conjecture? Yeah, I want to buy one....of course....why else would I bring this up....heh. And just for the record I did get my present 5D for that $2100 price......so I'd like to repeat that scenario with my 5D MKII purchase</p>

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<p>I don't follow this kind of thing very much but you might first see a big rebate offer before you see a direct price reduction. Before the 5D came down to the price you mention Canon offered a $500 rebate on April 1, 2006. I remember it well because I bought my 5D on March 30, 2006.</p>
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<p>It sounds like you are pretty much on top of things Thomas, and I'm sure if you hold out you'll get it at the price you want.</p>

<p>From my own experience, cameras, laptops, cars, etc. always plummet in price about a week after I buy them - I'm sure my friends use me as a guide for their own purchasing decisions... watch what John buys, wait a week and then snap it up at a huge discount!</p>

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<p>Bob....but if you look at the 5D to 5DMKII that's not true. The 5D came down to $2100 apprx 10 months before the 5DMKII was announced....albiet I do remember rumors (but not from Canon....I worked in B&H at the time and the Canon reps were silent....not even a casual wink to confirm or deny)..........so, I have a feeling that the 5D series don't follow the Rebel or xxD pattern (which I do agree with you that the discounts have after next release)</p>

<p>of course, that's all conjecture.........only the Japanese Canon "power's to be" really know.</p>

<p>John B......the trick is not wanting it too badly. I'm quite happy with my 5D....amazing camera, but certain features of the MKII constantly are calling to me......heh.</p>

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<p>Considering the value of the dollar against the yen, $2100 in 2007 is pretty close to $2500 in 2010. Buy now before the dollar slips anymore.</p>

<p>The next 5D is contained in the new FW release...</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>I think there is room for an incremental upgrade of the 5D Mark II. Better autofocus (ala 7D) and some better sealing, tweaked sensor with same mp, maybe a little higher frame rate. It is a fantastic camera with the best IQ on the market except for the D3X ($8k last time I looked). The 5D Mark II is first one that tempted me into a full frame camera. My APS-C cameras have been sitting on the shelf since then and may be soon replaced by another 5D Mark II. I think we'll see a D700 (S) or (X) before we see a new 5D Mark III and of course that may stir Canon to up the ante. Competition is good for both. Don't hold your breath for a sub $2k 5D Mark II any time soon though. </p>
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<p>The 5D was the 5D and that was several years ago. The 5D MkII is the 5D MkII and the economy is different now (as is the competition). I just don't see the 5D MkII dropping to $2000 before the release of a 5D MkIII.</p>

<p>I don't know what the dealer markup is on a 5D MkII right now so I've no idea just how much a vendor could cut the price and still make a profit, but if you look at general trends (like lens prices), they're not exactly falling.</p>

<p>The current round of Canon rebates gives you double the rebate on the lens if you also buy a 5D MkII, but there's no rebate on the 5D MkII itself.</p>

<p>The best way to get a cheap 5D MkII would be to buy a 200/2L IS and a Pro9500 with it, pocket the $1500 in rebates and try to resell the 200/2L and Pro9500. If you can find a buyer you might end up saving maybe $1000 on the 5D MkII - unless you fall in love with the lens...</p>

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<p>Despite your projections you might as well go ahead and buy the camera today. A fellow named Nostradamus also made some projections a while back, and his projections indicate that the world will end in 2012. You don't want to miss getting good shots of the end of the world, do you?</p>



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<p>A fellow named Nostradamus also made some projections a while back, and his projections indicate that the world will end in 2012. </p>


<p>I think the Maya Indians beat Nostradamus to that prediction by a millennia...</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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