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Any good websites for buying used Medium Format cameras?


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<p>Thomas, if you do buy from KEH remember that you will almost certainly have to pay a customs charge, VAT at 17.5% and annoyingly a Parcel Force handling fee of £12. You will also experience a lot less frustration with the ordering process if you phone them rather than using online ordering which is prone to crashing out.<br>

That said they have some great gear at excellent prices and the staff are good to deal with in my experience. I would also add my vote for Ffordes which I have found to be very efficient and once you factor in the surcharges, not necessarily more expensive. The great thing about KEH of course is the sheer volume of STUFF!!<br>

Good luck, Steve</p>

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<p>It probably goes without saying - but I'll say it anyway - Photo.net is (and has been from my 10+ years experience) one of the best and most reliable places to find the majority of item(s) you need when you need them. I wouls also concur with the KEH recommendation above - largely for the smaller, less frequented items (like an RB67 ProS 645 back and mask).<br>

The preceeding was a paid political announcement <grin><br>

Derek Isaacs</p>

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<p>I bought my RZ67 new from Robert White and even with duty and taxes they were the best around. Good people, knowledgeable, and very fast shipping. I highly recommend them.</p>

<p>I also bought quite a few lenses from KEH over the years and even their bargain rated pieces have been excellent.</p>

<p>Hope this helps,<br>


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Just a further thought. Peter Walnes is always worth a look and he is a very good guy to deal with. He doesn't have the huge stocks held by KEH but if he has what you want I would not hesitate to buy from him. Also Paul Cordes based in Newcastle is honest, knowledgable and competitive on price. See http://www.peterwalnes.com/ and http://www.classicphotographics.co.uk/stock.html.<br>

It may be worth giving Paul a ring as he shares a space with a camera repair workshop and much of the available stock does not in fact make it to his online stock list.<br>

Good Luck, Steve</p>

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<p>I'll add to the pile of KEH supporters. I have been buying from them since the early 1980's. At that time, I lived in Georgia, and they had a showroom open to the public with nice glass display cases containing higher end used cameras laid out in brand lots, as well as a huge lower floor level of "photo stuff" packed with every sort of darkroom contraption, photo gear, and general photo accessories for you to dig through at bargain prices. I went home with more than a few Crown and Speed Graphic bodies from that part of the store. It was a wallet draining dream world for a photo nut.</p>

<p>Fast forward to my current status back in NJ for the past ten years, and KEH is still absolutely trustworthy, more than fair in price, and just plain a joy to do business with by phone or internet. The UK government demands a pretty hefty tribute from overseas transactions on several fronts, but if you take advantage of the outstanding quality and prices of gear that KEH grades as "BGN", along with the current mad rush by the US government to devalue the Dollar to parity with the Mexican Peso, AND if you buy enough of those sweet bargains at one time to offset the import shipment fees demanded by the UK government, KEH can be a goldmine of value.</p>

<p>I realize this entire KEH endorsement thing sounds way over the top, but the honest truth is that I have never had the pleasure of doing business with any company, in any field for so many years, without even a single episode worthy of concern. Ever. I have bought from them as a cash customer, a corporate customer, as a piggyback order on a friends card, and just as myself in recent times. In the photography market, that kind of a record is beyond comprehension. It's almost supernatural.</p>

<p>There are a few companies that sell new photo gear at retail that have provided fine service to me over time, but a company that inspects, grades, and sells thousands of used kits and bits each Month according to it's own set of standards has much more potential to fail a customer at some point than does a retailer who is mainly concerned with new product sales. KEH simply sets the highest customer standards for the used photo marketplace, and meets those standards in grand style. They also sell new gear......</p>

<p>Jim K. </p>

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<p>I have bought a number of medium format cameras and lenses from Ffordes and think that they are trustworthy and reasonable. They also have a terrific selection of all formats from 35 to large format.<br>

At presently I own 2 Mamiya 7's plus 4 lens' from them and have bought 645's and Hasselblads in the past before settling on the 7. At present they have a large selection of 7's and think it is the 'bee's knee's' of photography. <br>

Also use Nikon F5 recently purchased from them.<br>

Good luck.</p>


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