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20mm for people photography ?


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I would like to buy a wide lens.


I would like to know if 20mm would not be too wide for people photography.






<i>Moderator's Note: The question above has been edited to focus it on the very appropriate question about People Photography. The rest of the question pertained to specific lens choice and should be submitted to the General Photo.net forum. Photos that show the use of very wide angle lenses are certainly welcome.</i>

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A 20mm is a blast, but for people photography it must be used with care

in doing anything close up due to distortion. I've used that distortion for

editoral effect, but it ain't flattering unless used with great care. For wider

shots that include the environment the people are in it is great. BTW, the

Canon 24/1.4L is a world class lens, perhaps a used one can be found at a

reasonable price with a little hunting? No zoom can optically compare to

it, let alone shoot available light like it can.<div>003nY2-9596784.jpg.ac39a8090662ebc624cbed3301a78db7.jpg</div>

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A 20mm isnt too wide, the perspective is just harder to control. I work alot with ultra-wides, there is so much you can do with the perspective and the huge amount of background you are able to capture. Heres an experiment with an 18mm Nikkor and K1 extension ring.


<center> <img border=2 src="http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?photo_id=1026706&size=lg"> </center>



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I agree that a 20mm lens can offer a great perspective. But be careful when composing your subject near the edges of the frame because things can distort unflatteringly. I shoot a lot of candids around this focal length and I've tossed more than a few because of the dreaded "big nose" effect.
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